Started by @BookAddict

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“Me? It depends on what aspect.” Arianna stated to Cato, she turned to the new comer, “Oh hi! I haven’t seen you before… what’s your name?”

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Camilla looked at the group Stella had walked up too. "So you all are getting exiled?" She asked.


Arianna looked at Camilla and smiled, “No darling, we’re all bidding our friend good bye. Now off you go, your centurion will explain everything to you.”

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"Frick this, I just got here!" She said in annoyance that she didn't know much.


“Of course, my apologies.” Arianna said, smiling weakly, “You see the girl with the braid in her hair? Wearing purple? Thats Praetor Reyna, go talk to her.”

Reyna was boredly talking to Alexander who was whining about the pain in his thigh which actually didn’t hurt as much.

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"Um ok then, I guess." She said before walking up to the girl she was talking about. "Hi are you Reyna?" She asked awkwardly.

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"We just got to this camp and we were told to go talk to you?" She said uncertainty.

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(We need to plan this out because my computer is giving me application error crap and we're basically going to be repeating each other.)


“Actually… Alexander here usually helps with the new campers.” Reyna said, gesturing to the person next to her, “I’ll be going.”

Alexander grunted and groaned when Reyna left, “What dont you understand?”

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"What do you mean "What don't I understand." I get to this camp after being on the run for all these years and is greeted with some exile, so don't you dare say it." She ranted angrily.