Started by @BookAddict

people_alt 5 followers


//last time this happened with BookAddict they were gone for like three months so I say just go ahead and if we want to keep this alive we may have to move on without them and just drag Sage around until they come back


Name: Estrella Cortez (Goes by Stella)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Years at Camp: None, she'll join in the rp
God you are descended from: Daughter of Luna
Rank and Cohort: None
Powers and talents: She grows stronger under moonlight
Flaws: Way too shy, and makes plans without telling anyone.
Personality: Quiet, serene, has a passive aggressiveness to her, also slightly aggressive, a bit of a hopeless romantic
Looks: Short inky black hair, silver eyes, olive skin, and freckles.
Other (weapons, backstory): Backstory develop, wears a moon necklace than turns into a dagger.

Deleted user

Name: Camilla Asila
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Years at Camp: 0, she'll join later.
God you are descended from: Pluto
Rank and Cohort: 5th Cohort
Powers and talents: She can raise the dead, stuff
Flaws: Is stubborn and can hold grudges, not that forgiving, also very loyal.
Personality: Develop
Looks: Raven hair, hazel eyes, pale-ish skin, athletic build

Deleted user

( Yeah, I get that……………..siren.)


( I would like to join??)

\ omg im sorry ive been dead (hypothetically) for like 3 weeks but you can join. also i am revived so i shall now be active way more. \


(Wait… 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!)


\ ^coughs^ it wasn't quite that long… (like, a week max… XD) i am actually so sorry. all this stuff happened at home and at school and it's been insane. i feel really bad. im such a lousy RPer. please forgive me? \