Started by @BookAddict

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\ i'm finished school! yay! \
Sage's sleep-deprived brain took a while to catch up with the conversation. "Wait, so Cato you gave Alexander a cursed blade? On purpose?"


"Yes. Then Alexander decided to show off his blade to me. So then the blade stabbed him in front of me. So." Arianna said, tapping her fingers on her leg.


"Well we'd have to tell them that at the trial, and they would have to believe us." Arianna stated, "So far there are three outcomes: either I get a consequence, Cato gets a consequence, or no one gets a consequence. The last one is the least possible so far. So we may have to come up with a plan of one of us gets a consequence. The consequence is probably exile."


"We can't let that happen." Sage stated. He doesn't want Ari or Cato exiled. "Exile is not an option. For either of you."


"If either of you get kicked out, I'm coming with you. I don't care if it's illegal." Sage said adamantly. He didn't want to be seperated from either of them. But especially Ari. Sage was glad it was darkish, so no one could see the blush spreading across his face. You're such an idiot! says his internal voice.


“It’s not illegal,” Valerie said quietly. “They can’t force us to stay, technically. Blackmail is always an option but we can leave if we want to.”
It’s not always better to do so.
Demigods endnup dead from leaving.
That’s why they’re so desperate to keep us here.
But we can still leave.
And get ourselves killed.


"R-right. If I'm not the one getting exiled, me too. But it'd be unwise to just run off. Maybe we should have a pack a little then sneak off to some place and meet up. I dunno." Arianna said, then she muttered, "That sounded better and cooler in my head."


/ hey sorry I was on my way home from the library /
Sage stifled a laugh. “That sounds wiser than my idea…”


"And hope for the best." Sage prayed to every Roman god or godesses name that he could remember that nobody would get exiled, but he was pretty sure that wouldn't happen. Not if Alexander had anything to do with it.


“Yep.” Arianna said, smiling weakly before putting her face in her hands.

It hurts…

It just hurts so much.

Having people who you thought were your friends whisper about you constantly in terrible ways.

Having people accuse you of a crime that you didn’t do.

Having people who thought of you as sweet now think of you as violent.

It hurts.



Sage wanted to reach through the cell and give Ari a hug. He put his arm through the bars and twisted it awkwardly so he could pat her shoulder.