Started by @BookAddict

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“The.. weather is nice today.” Arianna said awkwardly, you would’ve done better saying, ‘Your face is nice today, like always.’ gEEZ ARI.


“The.. weather is nice today.” Arianna said awkwardly, you would’ve done better saying, ‘Your face is nice today, like always.’ gEEZ ARI.

"Haven't you been in a cell the whole day?" Sage enquired, teasing a little. His eyes kept drifting back to her purple hair or her beautiful brown eyes or… God, why did she have to attractive. It was distracting!


Arianna glanced a way, a blush creeping up her cheeks, she looked back at him, “W-Well… I heard the others say there was good weather…” Her hands started to play with her hair, noooo I bet I look like a mess right now. ;-; Why can’t I look good in front of Sage? Just for once. ;-; Venusssss.


Stella looked around her. The dang wolf never told her where to go, just to go. She didn't know how long she had been wandering, just that it had been for quite some time. How in the world was she supposed to find this stupid camp!?


\ i have to go to school in about half an hour so i won't be back on until it's like 11pm pacific time and 1am cst… sorry. stupid time zones \


(If I was out of school, I probably would be up. But school…)

\ yeah… sorry. i can maybe come on at lunch, but it really depends \