Started by @BookAddict

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“Me neither,” Cato said, sitting down next to her on the grass. “Here. You look cold.” He took off his jacket and wrapped it around Val’s shoulders.


“Thank you,” She said, putting her head on his shoulder. “I don’t get it. I’ve never had nightmares before except when I first arrived.”


“Yeah. Sometimes what happened in the past comes back to haunt us at the worst times,” Cato shrugged, putting his arm around Val’s shoulders. “Especially if it wasn’t your fault.” He gave her a meaningful look.

//as in dont blame yourself


“Thank you.” A few minutes passed, before she started talking again. “I was at the gate when you came in. The guy who brought you here was practically carrying you. Another camper came by and covered my eyes, leading me away, so I don’t remember much. I asked someone what happened and they just muttered something about a coordinated attack and walking away. I tried to find the faun, but he was gone too. It was a weird, morbid curiosity. First sight of blood, and all that.”


“Oh.” Cato said. The sudden influx of information had shocked him a bit. “Thanks. I’ve always wanted to know something, I guess. Just… I was satisfied, sort of, with not missing something I didn’t have anymore. I could probably remember, if I really tried. But I kind of don’t want to. I mean- ahh, I’m rambling. Sorry.”


She’d almost fallen asleep before she remembered a bit of gossip she’d overheard and her eyes snapped open again. “Arianna,” she said suddenly. “They’re blaming Arianna for Alexander getting stabbed.”
She hates him, but she wouldn’t do that.”


“Okay so I may or may not have given him a cursed blade that I found in the back of the forge a year ago? Agh, this is all my fault. If there’s a trail, I’ve got to go and tell the truth.”


“Yeah. I was kinda hoping he’d use it in the trading arena and not draw it on someone, but when do I get my way?” Cato sighed, standing up. “I’d better go make sure that Arianna’s okay.”