forum A Throne of Glass Rp (OPEN)
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

Enru took Tundra’s hand and smiled. His was free and with his kind. At least the one he identified more with, “I’m ready.”

@Rvan group

“Enru. I’ve been told father’s surname was Whitethorn (If that’s okay with you all, I was hoping he could be a super distant relative of Rowan?)” Enru replied.


(Do it!!!!!!!)

Tundra looked at him slightly shocked, but she held it in, "Well it's wonderful to meet you Enru Whitethorn."

@Rvan group

“It’s nice to meet you too, considering how the first few minutes have been,” Enru said quietly, not being able to take his smile off his face.

@Rvan group

“I never met my father…” Enru trailed off. He wasn’t even sure why he felt like he needed to say it.


Tundra looked to Aramis, "And I haven't met a Whitethorn since the last family gathering. My fae family is a far far relative to them. We lost the right to that name millennium ago."


"Well, I've never actually been to Dornelle, the first few years of my life I was in Tereasan before…" She shook her head, trying to get rid of the thought.

@Rvan group

(Sorry I responded checks watch 11 hours late, I went to sleep lol)
“You’ve been to Tereasan?” Enru asked, thinking about the lost queen.


Aramis put her hands in her pockets and rocked back and forth in her heels, “I know. But I am, and I know Aelin is our there, somewhere…”


Tundra smiled, "I'm sure that Aelin is out there. And when she returns, it will be quite the struggle for power."


Aramis nodded, “Alright, enough about the bitch Queen Meave, Let’s get back to mine before we get spotted with a head body lying around.” She said, a small smile on her lips.


Tundra's cloak hood was pulled high on her head. Her lips twitched, "Of course. This is against the law after all. I hope he lived a short life."