forum A Throne of Glass Rp (OPEN)
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

What if we made our own characters in the same world as Throne of Glass? Or would you all rather do the existing characters?


Okay so I just had an idea…
Maybe instead of playing through like the actaul books, if we did TOG we play as our own characters but at one of the courts so probs Tereasan, and someone can just write for existing characters on occasion
For ACOTAR the same thing but for the night court?

@Rvan group

(What else am I missing? I'm blanking)
Homeland: (Like maybe you could be born in the spring court let's say, but we’re at the night court )
Open for shipping?:

We should probably figure out if we're doing TOG or ACOTAR before we fill this out.


Name: Aramis Utarian
Gender: female
Sexuality: pretty hecking gay
Homeland: night freaking court
Age: 216
Other: never liked her family as the disliked her for liking girls after she told them, she hasn’t told anyone else out of fear of rejection so she’s a closeted lil baby. Powers: She’s a shadowsinger but doesn’t use her powers very often-also can form wings
Background: develop
Open for shipping: YESSSS

dis okay?

@Rvan group

Name: Enru Reene
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: Short silver/white hair that is dyed into black at the ends, baby blue eyes, tattoos of bands around his neck, angel wing tattoo on his chest, unhealthy skinny, short(ish), pale
Homeland: Adarlan
Powers: He has air powers (like Rowan's) and a hint of water
Age: 18
Other: He's half-fae, and his eyes were cut to be rounded when he was a child
Background: He grew up as a slave (still is) He was born for the purpose of being a slave, his father did it for money when he was visiting Adarlan. Enru’s mother didn’t have a choice
Open for shipping?: YYYYYYAAAAAASSSSSS Please