forum A Throne of Glass Rp (OPEN)
Started by @Rvan group

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(Sorry, I had to go out)
Aramis wandered through this the streets of Rifthold, the hood of her navy blue hood flipped over her head. She stuck to the back streets as to not be seen by any guards on patrol, especially Chaol Westfall. She’d had a slight… fall out with the kings Captain if the guard. And by fall out, she meant they had gotten into a huge fight and she had nearly killed him. So, the backstreets is where she would stay.

@Rvan group

Enru walked out of the back door, hauling out buckets of dirty water for his master. Just as Enru got out the door, someone bumped into him and he spilled both of the buckets as he tumbled to the ground, “Ack!” Enru winced as his clothing was soaked in the muddy water.

@Rvan group

Enru paled and didn’t meet her eyes out of habit. He slowed got up on his own, I mean, who would want to touch a slave, as his master always said. Enru picked up his buckets, “I’m very sorry ma’am. It was my bad.”


“No, it wasn’t,” She said lowering her hood, her blue hair falling like a waterfall down her shoulders, “I wasn’t looking where I was going you had nothing to do with it. What’s your name?” She asked.


Tundra was wandering the streets of Adarlan. She had a hood up high to mask her more fae like features. Though it was evident in the way she gracefully walked.

@Rvan group

“No, it wasn’t,” She said lowering her hood, her blue hair falling like a waterfall down her shoulders, “I wasn’t looking where I was going you had nothing to do with it. What’s your name?” She asked.

Enru tried to hide his face more, and especially hide his branded wrist, “My name is Enru, ma’am,” Hopefully, just hopefully, his master wouldn’t skin him alive after this.

@Rvan group

Enru looked at her with wide eyes, then immediately looked away. He wasn’t allowed to talk with nobles, and he had literally run into one, “I-I am sorry—“ Enru began, but was cut off by his master shout at him from inside the restaurant. Enru apparently needed to clean the dishes now too, after just finishing them.


“Why are you sorry? And who was that?” She asked, trying to look into the building behind them. But then shouts came down the road, “God damn it.”

@Rvan group

Enru shied away, “That was my master, ma’am,” Gosh… It felt so weird to call her ma’am because she was about his age… but he couldn’t risk showing her the slightest disrespect, “Is there anything I can do for you, ma’am?”


“Do you have a place I can hide? And please, stop calling me ma’am, I’m not a noble women, far from it.”
“Aramis!” She heard Chaol call, “Come out and we'll make your death painless.” She looked at Enru with pleading eyes, “Please.”


Tundra heard a male shout out. It was so strange being locked away from her magic. She started to walk towards the voice.

@Rvan group

Enru paled. He had a place she could hide, but he glanced down at his brand. He would get a good few lashings, but she needed help. He slowly nodded then scrambled around down the alley farther to where piles of trash stacked. He shoved away a bin filled with distasteful liquid, to reveal a small tunnel down into secluded part of the sewers.


“Thankyou, tell me when they’re gone.” She said crawling into the tunnel. She could still hear the shouts of Chaol and the guards.
“You, boy! Have you seen a girl, about your age, blue hair and a navy hood come down here?”

@Rvan group

Enru paled. This was the Captain of the Guard. As in from the glass palace. Enru stuttered out as he fell into a bow, “I-I-sir-I- I’m sorry, sir, I-I haven’t seen anyone,” Gosh… All the man would have to do was wish his death and Enru would already be on the butcher’s block.


Chaol lofted his sword, “If you’re lying, I’ll have your head.” He said but lowered his weapon, “I don’t think you are, wouldn’t have the guts to, moving in!” He said and the guards left, along with the captain.

@Rvan group

Enru nearly collapsed as he sagged from relief. He had just lied to the Captain of the Guard. He slowly, half heartedly, reached from the hidden entrance and opened it. He sagged against the trash, he was already muddy anyways, as he waited for Aramis to come out.