forum A Throne of Glass Rp (OPEN)
Started by @Rvan group

people_alt 4 followers

@Rvan group

Are you sure though? I think we can do TOG if you haven't read ACOTAR and are still reading… I would hate to spoil the book

@Rvan group

Name: Enru Whitethorn
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: Short silver/white hair that is dyed into black at the ends, baby blue eyes, tattoos of bands around his neck, angel wing tattoo on his chest, unhealthy skinny, short(ish), pale
Homeland: Adarlan
Powers: He has air powers (like Rowan's) and a hint of water
Age: 18
Other: He's half-fae, and his ears were cut to be rounded when he was a child
Background: He grew up as a slave (still is). He was born for the purpose of being a slave, his father did it for money when he was visiting Adarlan. Enru’s mother didn’t have a choice.
Open for shipping?: YYYYYYAAAAAASSSSSS Please

Here's my new character


Name: Sparrow jacks
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: loosely curled medium black hair green eyes
Homeland: Adarlan
Powers: earth, dust, rocks
Age: 18
Other: she is pretty powerful
Background: develop
Open for shipping?: yas


Name: Aramis Utarian
Gender: female
Sexuality: pretty hecking gay
Homeland: Tereasan- says she's from Adarlan tho???????
Age: 19
Other: never liked her family as the disliked her for liking girls after she told them, she hasn’t told anyone else out of fear of rejection so she’s a closeted lil baby.
Powers: She’s a shadowsinger
Background: develop
Open for shipping: YESSSS

dis okay?