forum A Throne of Glass Rp (OPEN)
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

“I-I just l-lied. To him. H-He c-could kill me at any moment. M-My master is going to put me in the next soup,” Enru pointed out quietly, then regretted saying anything. He really shouldn’t be showing any disrespect. He was a slave.


“Not if you’re Master doesn’t know. And believe me, if Chaol saw me he wouldn’t hesitate to cut my head off.” She turned her gaze to the street and saw a figure there, “Hey, who are you?”


Tundra froze and stepped further into the alleyway. She kept her hood up however her Doranelle accent flowed through, "Hello. I am Tundra."


“You’re from Doranelle. Your accent is thick, don’t worry I won’t say if you’re fae, half fae whatever, we’re both in the same boat.” She said, taking a step towards the girl.

@Rvan group

Enru froze. Doranelle. He could practically That’s where his uncle had gone, to meet with his father. And never came back for Enru. But… the fae lands. Where queen Maeve was. Where— where he would never go.


Tundra looked down as her hood fell revealing her white hair, "Was it that obvious? I thought I had it under control."

@Rvan group

“You’re fae? A-Are you going back to Doranelle?” Enru asked hopefully, but then bit his tongue and made sure to get out, “ma’am,” at the end of his sentence. But if… If she was going back… Maybe he could prove himself to the queen. Show her what he could- what he used to do.


Tundra approached the pair. She was slightly towering over them, "It's nice to meet you Aramis. And to answer your question, I have no plans on returning anytime soon. Your king may be a tyrant, but Queen Maeve is a dictator."

@Rvan group

Enru’s hopes crashed down in seconds and he muttered, “oh,” There wasn’t a chance of escaping his life and being free-
Enru heard a shout. His Master. He looked at the two fae. His people. He swallowed, then opened his mouth and spoke faster than the northern winds, “Please. Please. Please get me out. I’ll repay you with my life. I will work for you, but please, I’ll do anything. J-Just help me escape it,” Enru wanted to say slavery instead of it, but… he never wanted to put how wretched his life was into words.


Tundra felt her lip twitch upwards, "You want to escape? I will gladly help. Just tell me whom I need to deal with."

@Rvan group

Enru couldn’t let himself smile yet. He looked to where the shouting was coming from, his master who just entered the alley, “Get back here a do what you were made to do!” Enru’s master snapped.


Tundra's hand was gripped on a dagger. It was nothing like the ones she made from ice. Her hood was back on her head as she growled, "Why should he?"


Aramis moved behind the door, pulling her own dagger out from her belt. She pushed her bck up against the wall, waiting for the man to walk out.

@Rvan group

Enru’s master full out laughed, revealing his chipped teeth, “He’s my property, I even bred for ‘em,” The ugly man exclaimed, clearly not caring about the knife. Enru turned a bright red when the man brought up the reason for Enru’s life. His mother had been forced to… Enru shrunk away.


Tundra scowled and flung the dagger next to the man's face, "The next one will be in your chest if you don't scram. Only disgusting scum dare call a person there property, much less force there will on someone else."


The man fell to the ground, "I believe Chaol and his guards will be around in the morning to clear the body away. We make a good team, come on, let's get going."

@Rvan group

Enru’s master cried out in shock, spitting a string of curses and flailing his arms around. His rageful eyes fell of Enru before they went dull. Enru slowly looked up from his dead master to his brand to the two fae, two of his people, before him, “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou,” Enru whispered to both of them. He was free.