forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@larcenistarsonist group

Drew: You're cute, but you're also selfish and narcissistic to the point of near delusion.
Drew: [Leaves]
Felix: He thinks I'm cute!

Grace: Would you sleep with Felix for $100,000?
Drew: Hmm. Would I have to pay him all at once or could I pay by installments?
Drew, five seconds later: oH-

Avon: Midge, what do we do?!
Midge: I don’t know!
Avon: You're the oldest!
Midge: Not mentally!

Felix: What can I say? I'm charming and irresponsible.
Felix: I meant irresistible-
Drew: No, you were right the first time.

Felix: They call me coffee ‘cause I grind so fine.
Grace: God, why are you like this?
Rhyda: They call me coffee because I keep you up past 2 am.
Grace: Ew, stop.
Paisley: They call me coffee because I’m really bitter and people don’t like me without changing some aspect of who I am.

Donovan: Accept your flaws, you'll feel better. It worked for me.
Paisley: You accepted your flaws?
Donovan: No, I accepted yours.

Grace: Are you decent?
Abel: Morally? No. But I am wearing pants if that's what you mean.

Bianca: So, are there any men in the picture for you?
Shea, leaning forward: Tell me every aspect of my personality that made you assume I was straight so that I can change it immediately.

Rhyda: Do you have any sort of plan to get us out of here alive?
Abel: Sort of. The idea starts with "run for it" and generally goes downhill from there.

Drew: Here’s a concept. Me, eating strawberries and peaches on a hillside where I am far from everything I know.

Drew: What's your blood type?
Abel: Don't worry, I'm not picky, I can drink any kind.
Drew: What?
Abel: What?

Felix: Fugitive or not, it's nice to be wanted.

Shea: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren

Paisley: You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake.

Donovan: I raised a perfectly sane and helpful family.
Drew: You have another family I don’t know about?

Paisley: This is… So dumb.
Abel, standing on Paisley's back: The higher I am, the better I can see.
Paisley: You can- You can fly with your vapor-
Abel: Hush now Paisley, I am searching.

Abel: Something’s off.
Grace: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
Abel: No, but that’s funny.

Felix: So you like cats?
Drew: Yeah.
Felix: [tries to impress him by slowly pushing a glass off the table]

Drew: Everyone else's tragic backstories gave them mad skills, but all I got were trust issues and anxiety.

Rhyda: What doesn't kill me should run because now I'm fucking pissed.

@larcenistarsonist group

Officer Langely: You’re under arrest!
Midge: No I’m not.
Officer Langely, under his breath: Damn it.

Abel, after winning a fight: It’s like we just cleared a video game on easy!
Paisley: Real combat is NOT like a video game.
Felix, in the background: Look! Coins!

Donovan, sarcastically: Well, look at this rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Let me guess, you’re out to save the world!
Shea: Yeah, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment.

Paisley: Shea, this morning, I called you 'abhorrent' and 'reprehensible', and I’d like to withdraw that statement-
Shea: Oh, uh, thanks-
Paisley: -but I can't. Those are just the two words that best describe you.

Abel, at the slightest inconvenience: I'm going to kill someone.
Grace: Now, don't quote me on this, but I believe that murder is illegal.

Paisley: What the hell's going on in here?
Shea: Well, it's kind of complicated, but Abel-
Paisley: Got it. Forget I asked.

Abel, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. There's blood on my hands. God is dead

Drew: I just want someone to take me out.
Grace: Like…on a date, or with a sniper gun?
Drew: Surprise me.

Paisley: C'mon, guys, how many times do I have to apologize?
Grace: Once.
Paisley: No.

Midge: Do you ever think? Because I, personally, do not.

Shea: We all have our demons.
Shea, grabbing a hissing and scratching Abel: This is mine.

Shea: Rhyda, Paisley won’t come out of her room.
Rhyda: Just tell her that I said something.
Shea: Said what?
Rhyda: Anything factually incorrect.
Shea: Got it!
Paisley, arriving moments later: Did you just tell Shea that the sun is a planet?

Murderer: Any last words?
Felix: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.

Midge: When I said you should try being friendlier, this isn't what I meant.
Dahlia, aggressively stirring a cup of tea: Oh, so now I'm too friendly? There's no pleasing you!
Howie, who broke into Dahlia's apartment an hour ago: Two sugars, please.
Dahlia: Coming right up.

Dahlia: When do you usually go to sleep?
Midge: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.

Paisley: Thanks for opening my messages and not responding.
Rhyda, responding for the first time in weeks: All good, bro, any time.

Grace: I hate how you're just born out of nowhere, and you're forced to go to school and get education so you can get a job. What if I wanted to be a duck? No one ever asked me if I want to be a duck!

Rhyda: You're an idiot.
Felix: That's the charm!

Howie: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this?
Dahlia, sighing: Yes, okay, fine. We're cowabunga.

@HighPockets group

Michael: Barry, Tobias won’t come out of his room.
Barry: Just tell him that I said something.
Michael: Said what?
Barry: Anything factually incorrect.
Michael: Got it!
Tobias, arriving moments later: Did you just tell Michael that the sun is a planet?

Mabel: When I said you should try being friendlier, this isn't what I meant.
Joey, aggressively stirring a cup of tea: Oh, so now I'm too friendly? There's no pleasing you!
Maisy, who broke into the apartment an hour ago: Two sugars, please.
Joey: Coming right up.

Martin: You broke up with her for a reason.
Cameron: I know, I know. I’m just so tired of missing her. Tired of wondering why she hasn't called. Why hasn't she called?
Martin: Maybe because you told her not to?
Cameron: What are you, the Memory Person?

Martin: Thanks for opening my messages and not responding.
Cameron, responding for the first time in weeks: All good, bro, any time.

Mariam: You're an idiot.
Luc: That's the charm!

Mabel: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this?
Safie, sighing: Yes, okay, fine. We're cowabunga.

@HighPockets group

Cop: What’s your name?
Dally, whispering to Joey: Can I tell him my real name?
Joey: No!
Dally: I’m…Joey Poole.

Tobias: Let me get this straight. You think that killing those guys is funny?
Eliza: I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

Rosa: I would honestly be happy just lying in a pile of paper shreds.

Maisy: Is it okay if we stay with you tonight?
Joey: Of course. My door is always open.
Dally: Is that why you don’t have any furniture?

Cameron: I only feel one emotion and it's anger.
Maisy: Last night you drunk texted me a thousand heart emojis.
Cameron: Out of anger.

Mabel: You were happy once, you know.
Joey: I was never happy. I was just less pissed off.

Cameron, doing makeup: Some people say "don’t make the wings too big"
Cameron: I like to make my wings big enough that one day, hopefully, I’ll be able to fly away from all my problems.

Mabel: Honey bun?
Joey: Yes?
Mabel, blushing: I meant, would you like one?
Joey: Oh. Yeah, sure. Sugar?
Mabel: Yes?
Joey, also blushing: I was just asking if you wanted sugar in your coffee.
Mabel, flustered: Oh! Yeah. Sure.
Both: Completely flustered
Dally, from a distance: Even I’m getting embarrassed from watching them.
Maisy: I think I know what you mean.

Eliza: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Giulia: Almost there!
Eliza: F… fffff… frien…
Tobias: Take your time.

Safie: Oh, their breadsticks are like crack!
Maisy: I love when people say "like crack" when they have obviously never done crack
Safie: Well, their breadsticks are like what then, Swift? What can I use?
Maisy: I don't know. "The breadsticks are like a school play"?

Rosa: Why does this salad taste so bad?
Tomas: Hey, I worked hard on that.
Martin: Did you at least wash the lettuce?
Tomas: Of course! I even used soap.

Barry: Remember that time when you dared me to lick that swing set?
Giulia: No, I said “Trinculo, don’t lick that swing set” and you said “don’t tell me what to do, Venus!” and then you licked the swing set.

Jacob: I trust Barry.
Tobias: You think he knows what he's doing?
Jacob: Well, I wouldn't go that far

Cameron: I hate it when I’m hot and someone tells me to ‘take your jacket off’. No, this is my outfit.

Jacob: Who was Michelangelo again?
Barry: He’s a fucking turtle, dumbass.

Sheila: I'm trying to be like Willy Wonka. You know, a kind and mysterious mentor figure!
Martin: Who is directly responsible for the probable deaths of several children.
Sheila: Ah, technicality.

Barry: I've always wanted to see the inside of a water tower. You just know they hide some good stuff in there.
Tobias: …Water. They hide water.

Cameron: Hey, wasn't the world supposed to end in 2012? That was a great plan, who fucked that one up?
Joey: Some cartoon protagonist with the power of friendship, probably.

Joey: Hope everyone's having a fucking day.
Mabel: Easily one of the days I've had all week.

Giulia: You're cute, but you're also selfish and narcissistic to the point of near delusion.
Giulia: Leaves
Barry: She thinks I'm cute!

Barry: They call me coffee ‘cause I grind so fine.
Tobias: God, why are you like this?
Jacob: They call me coffee because I keep you up past 2 am.
Tobias: Ew, stop.
Eliza: They call me coffee because I’m really bitter and people don’t like me without changing some aspect of who I am.

Tobias: Accept your flaws, you'll feel better. It worked for me.
Barry: You accepted your flaws?
Tobias: No, I accepted yours.

Reporter: So, are there any men in the picture for you?
Eliza, leaning forward: Tell me every aspect of my personality that made you assume I was straight so that I can change it immediately.

Rosa: Do you have any sort of plan to get us out of here alive?
Maisy: Sort of. The idea starts with "run for it" and generally goes downhill from there.

Giulia: Here’s a concept. Me, eating strawberries and peaches on a hillside where I am far from everything I know.

Cameron, very drunk: Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren

Tobias: You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake.

Tobias: I am the head of a perfectly sane and helpful team.
Barry: You have another team we don’t know about?

Martin: This is…so dumb.
Dally, standing on Martin's back: The higher I am, the better I can see.
Martin: You can pretty much fly-

Eliza: Something’s off.
Jacob: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
Eliza: No, but that’s funny.

Joey: Everyone else's tragic backstories gave them skills, but all I got were trust issues and dead friends.

Cameron: What doesn't kill me should run because now I'm fucking pissed.

Barry, after winning a fight: It’s like we just cleared a video game on easy!
Tobias: Real combat is NOT like a video game.
Jacob, in the background: Look! Coins!

Joey, sarcastically: Well, look at this rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Let me guess, you’re out to save the world?
Dally: Yeah, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment.

Eliza, at the slightest inconvenience: I'm going to kill someone.
Giulia: Now, don't quote me on this, but I believe that murder is illegal.

Giulia, writing in her diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. There's blood on my hands. God is dead.

@Starfast group

Keyla: Taven makes me ask a lot of questions.
Keyla: Like "Why?"
Keyla: "For what?"
Keyla: and "honestly?"

Crispin, at the slightest inconvenience: I'm going to kill someone.
Kit: Now, don't quote me on this, but I believe that murder is illegal.

Crispin: What doesn't kill me should run because now I'm fucking pissed.

Milo: Something’s off.
Ravina: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
Milo: No, but that’s funny.

Ara: You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake.

Calidor: Hope everyone's having a fucking day.
Farli: Easily one of the days I've had all week.

Ella: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this?
Nina, sighing: Yes, okay, fine. We're cowabunga.

Murderer: Any last words?
Andor: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.

@threesacult group

Elliot: Between Cyrus, Anthony, Dally, and Jack—if you had to—who would you punch?
Quill: They're my friends! I wouldn't punch any of them!
Elliot: …Jack?
Quill: Yeah, but I don't know why.

Quill, grocery shopping: [Takes a free sample twice]
Quill: Robbery and fraud. I am a rebel.

Claire: Quitting! It's like trying, but easier!

Cyrus: You either die free or die trying!
Anthony: Are those the only choices?!

Cop: What’s your name?
Quill, whispering to Cyrus: Can I tell him my real name?
Cyrus: No!
Quill: I’m…Cyrus Hecate.

Cyrus, after winning a fight: It’s like we just cleared a video game on easy!
Emmett: Real combat is not like a video game.
Dally, in the background: Look! Coins!

Anthony, Uh, do you need help getting up?
Daisy: Nah, I'm cool here on the floor.

@Classic_Insanity13 group

Circe: I swear if someone interrupts me one more–
Draiden: What's that about turnups?
Circe: Run…
The Duke: Kids, what do you call breaking the law?
Circe: A hobby
Draiden: A right of passage
Raje: fun
Kip: Dangerous
Livvy: What's a law…?
Mic: Something I don't do, wink wink
The Duke:
The Duke: Thank god, I thought I raised you to respect authorities, dodged a bullet there I guess.

@HighPockets group

Robin: Oh, just so you know, it's very muggy outside
Oberon: If I step outside and all of the mugs are on the front lawn, I am putting you back into the Pond.
Robin: Sips juice from a bowl

Luc: I can explain.
Mariam: Can you?
Luc: If you give me five seconds to think of a lie.

Tobias: Please bring purified water with no minerals added for taste to the base.
Barry: I got spring water
Tobias: No.
Barry: With EXTRA minerals
Barry: It's like licking a stalagmite
Barry: Mmmmm cave water.

Sal: And if you have any suggestions about how I run my show, feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Shep: But that’s just a trash can.
Sal: Yeah, exactly.

Annette: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Luc: Certainly. I'm as sure as I am honest.
Mariam: In that case, we're definitely lost.

@Pizzaz11 group

Maer: I uh..I'm kindof afraid of heights, actually..



@LiteralCyborg group

Mike: I mean, accidents don’t just happen accidentally!
Ethan: (eating lizard) Hey, it’s not that bad! It actually kinda tastes like-
Reese: Don’t you dare tell me it tastes like chicken.
Ethan: …No Reese, it’s a lizard. It tastes like a lizard.
Mike: Hey Ethan, what are you doing?
Ethan: Looking for something sharp.
Mike: What would you need it for?
Ethan: To kill Reese.
Mike: Driving you mad, are they?
Ethan: Not for much longer!
Sage: Do you wanna go for a walk?
Minnie: Nah, I’m just gonna… squander in self-pity.
Sage: (running at Minnie) MINNIE!
Minnie: (bleeding heavily) I’m not gonna make it! Sage, remember me as I was; wild! And free! And… and-
Sage: No need for final words, my friend!
Minnie: No no wait, I’m not finished.
Sage: Oh, continue.
Minnie: (spaced out) Onion rings are just vegetable donuts.
Arthur: Sure they are, kid.
Minnie: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Arthur: …Okay.
Minnie: Lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake.
Minnie: (oblivious) Lobsters are mermaids to scorpions.
Arthur: (crying) Minnie, please stop.
Mike: (fascinated) No, please, continue.
Ethan: Methinks, therefore me am.
Reese: Dammit, it’s locked.
Sage: Let Minnie handle it, locks are her specialty.
Minnie: (throws brick at the window)
Reese: Seriously? I could’ve done that!
Sage: It’s honestly a miracle you’ve managed to stay alive this whole time.

@threesacult group

Quill: I need life advice.
Cyrus, eating cookie dough with a spatula: You came to the right person.

Cyrus: I'm a responsible adult!
Cyrus: Well, I'm an adult.

Quill: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection?
Anthony: I’ve never considered it, but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.

Cyrus: That sounds super! Doesn't that sound super, Anthony?
Anthony: No.
Cyrus: I think I speak for Anthony when I say that sounds really super.

Tetra: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield."
Ellis: It's opposite over hypotenuse, dipshit.

Emmett: What are earth are you two arguing about?
Quill: Jack won't use idioms correctly!
Jack: Oh, cry me a table, Quill.

Anthony, gesturing to Azazel: Uh, is this a friend of yours, Cardenas?
Quill: Kind of? Not really. Xe's in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.

Jack: Anthony isn’t answering his phone.
Dally: Here, I'll call him.
Jack: I tried seven times, what makes you thi-
Anthony, picking up on the first ring: Hello?

Azazel, at a zoo: What are they in for?
Quill: Azzi, this isn't prison.
Azazel: So they can leave?
Quill: Well, no, but-
Azazel, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.

@HighPockets group

Addie: I need life advice.
Kay, eating cookie dough with a spatula: You came to the right person.

Jude: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection?
Jane: I’ve never considered it, but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
Oh this is definitely going into one of the vampire's backstories–

Alyssa: That sounds super! Doesn't that sound super, Everett?
Everett: No.
Alyssa: I think I speak for Everett when I say that sounds really super.

Gabriel: It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.
Christopher: It's opposite over hypotenuse, you fool.

Giulia: What are you two arguing about?
Tobias: Barry won't use idioms correctly!
Barry: Oh, cry me a table, Prospero.

Titania, gesturing to Robin: Uh, is this a friend of yours, Oberon?
Oberon: No. They're in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.

Jacob: Eliza isn’t answering her phone.
Giulia: Here, I'll call her.
Jacob: I tried seven times, what makes you thi-
Eliza, picking up on the first ring: Hello?

Ulla, at a zoo: What are they in for?
Kitty: This isn't prison.
Ulla: So they can leave?
Lydia: Well, no, but-
Ulla, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.

@larcenistarsonist group

Young Grace: I need life advice.
Dave, eating cookie dough with a spatula: You came to the right person.

Grace: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection?
Felix: I’ve never considered it, but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.

Felix: That sounds super! Doesn't that sound super, Rhyda?
Rhyda: No.
Felix: I think I speak for Rhyda when I say that sounds really super.

Haru: It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.
Ray: It's opposite over hypotenuse, you fool.

Paisley: What are you two arguing about?
Felix: Abel won't use idioms correctly!
Abel: Oh, cry me a table, Helios.

Bianca, gesturing to Abel: Uh, is this a friend of yours, Shea?
Shea: No. They're in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.

Shea: Paisley isn’t answering her phone.
Grace: Here, I'll call her.
Shea: I tried seven times, what makes you thi-
Paisley, picking up on the first ring: Hello?

Abel, at a zoo: What are they in for?
Paisley: This isn't prison.
Abel: So they can leave?
Grace: Well, no, but-
Abel, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.

@larcenistarsonist group

Felix: I mean, accidents don’t just happen accidentally!

Jeb: (eating lizard) Hey, it’s not that bad! It actually kinda tastes like-
Crimson: Don’t you dare tell me it tastes like chicken.
Jeb: …No Crim, it’s a lizard. It tastes like a lizard.

Grace: Hey Abel, what are you doing?
Abel: Looking for something sharp.
Grace: What would you need it for?
Abel: To kill Shea.
Grace: Driving you mad, are they?
Abel: Not for much longer!

Grace: Do you wanna go for a walk?
Felix: Nah, I’m just gonna… squander in self-pity.

Grace: (running at Paisley) PAIS!
Paisley: (bleeding heavily) I’m not gonna make it! Grace, remember me as I was bold! And powerful! And… and-
Grace: No need for final words, my friend!
Paisley: No no wait, I’m not finished.
Grace: Oh, continue.

Abel: (spaced out) Onion rings are just vegetable donuts.
Paisley: Sure they are.
Abel: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Paisley: …Okay.
Abel: Lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake.
Abel: (oblivious) Lobsters are mermaids to scorpions.
Paisley: (about to commit a war crime) Abel. Please stop.
Felix: (fascinated) No, please, continue.

Jeb: Methinks, therefore me am.

Bianca: Dammit, it’s locked.
Crimson: Let Jeb handle it, locks are his specialty.
Jeb: (throws brick at the window)
Bianca: Seriously? I could’ve done that!
Shea: It’s honestly a miracle we've managed to stay alive this whole time.

@threesacult group

Emmett: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower!

Tetra: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Zephyr: For the dogs.
Tetra: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs?
Zephyr: Well, they can't make them themselves!

Anthony: Cyrus, did you have to stab Blitz?
Cyrus: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to me.
Anthony: Well, what did he say?
Cyrus: 'What are you gonna do, stab me?'
Anthony: …Yeah, okay, that's fair.

Elliot: Hey, can I have some?
Quill, her mouth full of cheesecake: Uh, it's really spicy. You wouldn't like it.

Cyrus: If you let me down, you’re out of the will.
Jack: I was in the will?

Dally: Hey, Ant, what's your favorite kind of flower?
Anthony: Kind of generic, I know, but I've always liked sunflowers.
Dally, pulling out a bouquet of Venus flytraps: Well, shit.

Blitz: I have locked Dally in a cage designed by his own art. Oh, he has been well and truly hoist by his own petard!
Hyde: …Could you repeat that in English?
Blitz: I’m blackmailing him.
Hyde: Oh, cool, gotcha.

Anthony: Hey, what's going on?
Dally: Well, I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Anthony: And you came to me?

Claire, holding a fork: You know, you're talking a whole lot of shit for someone with two perfectly good eyeballs that'd get me about $16,000 on the black market.

@larcenistarsonist group

Rhyda: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower!

Paisley: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Felix: For Jackpot.
Paisley: Why are you making pancakes for the ferret?
Felix: Well, he can't make them himself!

Grace: Abel, did you have to stab Shea?
Abel: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what she said to me.
Grace: Well, what did she say?
Abel: 'What are you gonna do, stab me?'
Grace: …Yeah, okay, that's fair.

Cagney: Hey, can I have some?
Shea, her mouth full of cheesecake: Uh, it's really spicy. You wouldn't like it.

Donovan: If you let me down, you’re out of the will.
Abel: I was in the will?

Felix: Hey, Drew, what's your favorite kind of flower?
Drew: Kind of generic, I know, but I've always liked sunflowers.
Felix, pulling out a bouquet of Venus flytraps: Well, shit.

Paisley: I have locked Drew in a cage designed by his own art. Oh, he has been well and truly hoist by his own petard!
Shea: …Could you repeat that in English?
Rhyda, mouth full of take-out: We're blackmailing him.
Shea: Oh, cool, gotcha.

Paisley: Hey, what's going on?
Grace: Well, I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Paisley: And you came to me?

Abel, holding a fork: You know, you're talking a whole lot of shit for someone with two perfectly good eyeballs that'd get me about $16,000 on the black market.

@HighPockets group

Ira: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.

Louis: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Trinity: For Lottie.
Louis: Why are you making pancakes for the cat?
Trinity: She can't make them herself.

Carrie: Lex, did you have to stab Nich?
Alexei: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to me.
Carrie: Well, what did he say?
Alexei: 'What are you gonna do, stab me?'
Carrie: …Yeah, okay, that's fair.

Skye: Hey, can I have some?
Luc, his mouth full of cheesecake: Uh, it's really spicy. You wouldn't like it.

Phillip: If you let me down, you’re out of the will.
Georgie: I was in the will?

Launce: Hey Algie, what's your favorite kind of flower?
Algernon: Kind of generic, I know, but I've always liked carnations.
Launce, pulling out a bouquet of Venus flytraps: Well, shit.

Calvin: I have locked Victor in a cage designed by his own art. Oh, he has been well and truly hoist by his own petard!
Charles: …Could you repeat that in English?
Calvin: I’m blackmailing him.
Charles: Oh, cool, gotcha.

Joey: Hey, what's going on?
Maisy: Well, I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Joey: And you came to me?

Alexei, holding a fork: You know, you're talking a whole lot of shit for someone with two perfectly good eyeballs that'd get me about $16,000 on the black market.

@Mojack group

Sonny: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.

Sonny: If you let me down, you’re out of the will.
Kennedy: I was in the will?

Milo: Roza, did you have to stab Ana?
Roza: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what she said to me.
Milo: Well, what did she say?
Roza: ‘What are you gonna do, stab me?’
Milo: …Yeah, okay, that’s fair.

Vuksha: Hey, can I have some?
Ana, her mouth full of cheesecake: Uh, it’s really spicy. You wouldn’t like it.

Kennedy, holding a fork: You know, you’re talking a whole lot of crap for someone with two perfectly good eyeballs that’d get me about $16,000 on the black market.
note: I only changed “shit” to “crap” because Kennedy doesn’t often use ‘strong’ curses

Sonny, digging through his medical supplies: Sloan, be useful for once and get me that jar over there.
Sloan: You know, back in my day we just died.
Sonny: you’re only 23

Judge: How do you plead?
Roza, mouthing: Not guilty!
Blonda: …hot milky?
Roza: Oh my god just lock him up already.

in a haunted house
Ana: Are you scared?
Isidore: no.
Ana: it’s okay I got you fam.
Ana: stomps light up sneakers

Sonny: You’re right.
Kennedy: That’s an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?

Vuksha: I’m literally so mad at you right now. There’s nothing you can say that’ll make me forgive you.
Kennedy: I-
Vuksha: okay I forgive you :)

Ana: Guys are so hot
Ana: Girls are so hot too.
Ana: Why is everyone so hot?
Sonny: Climate change.

Isidore: We can’t kill them!
Kennedy: Not with that attitude, we can’t.

Roza: You have a lot of nerve being here.
Kennedy: You have a lot of nerve being alive.

Sonny: Do any of you have healthy stress outlets?
Isidore: Screaming
Sloan: Vigilanting
Ana: Flirting
Vuksha: Moping
Milo: Shooting or gambling
Bonda: Exploding things
Roza: Plotting revenge
Sonny: Okay, so we have screaming

@HighPockets group

Mabel, digging through her medical supplies: Joey, be useful and get me that jar over there.
Joey: You know, back in my day we just died.
Mabel: You are 35.

Sal: You’re right.
Helsie: That’s an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?

Mabel: Guys are so hot
Mabel: Girls are so hot too.
Mabel: Why is everyone so hot?
Ira: Climate change.

Mabel: We can’t kill them!
Joey: Not with that attitude, we can’t.

Joey: You have a lot of nerve being here.
Ira: You have a lot of nerve being alive.

Mabel: Do any of you have healthy stress outlets?
Safie: Screaming.
Ira: Vigilanting.
Joey: Also vigilanting.
Maisy: Flirting.
Martin: Moping.
Dally: Parkouring peoples' houses.
Rosa: Exploding things.
Cameron Alexis: Plotting revenge.
Mabel: Okay, so we have screaming.

@LiteralCyborg group

Sage: I need life advice.
Mike: (eating cookie dough with a spatula) You came to the right person.
Arthur: I am a responsible adult!
Arthur: Well, I’m an adult.
Mike: What are you two arguing about?
Reese: Minnie won’t use idioms correctly!
Minnie: Oh, cry me a table, Reese.
Ethan: I second that. You opened this can of horses, now lie in it.
Sage: Why do you have a safe full of passports?
Minnie: In case I have to flee the country.
Sage: That’s… very illegal. And we kind of work for the government now.
Minnie: (putting on a wig) Then I guess it’s time for Estella Gonzales to take a Mediterranean vacation.
Ethan: I have a plan.
Reese: I have the hospital on speed dial.
Minnie: My criminal record? The only illegal thing I've done is absolutely killing it on the dance floor!
Minnie: Ha! Just kidding, I did blow up a Target.
Reese: (holding their metal arm at a certain angle so they can reflect the sun into Ethan’s eyes)
Minnie: Rules are made to be broken.
Arthur: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Ethan: Uh, pinatas?
Reese: Glow sticks.
Mike: Karate boards.
Sage: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Minnie: Rules!

@LiteralCyborg group

Sage: I need life advice.
Mike: (eating cookie dough with a spatula) You came to the right person.
Arthur: I am a responsible adult!
Arthur: Well, I’m an adult.
Mike: What are you two arguing about?
Reese: Minnie won’t use idioms correctly!
Minnie: Oh, cry me a table, Reese.
Ethan: I second that. You opened this can of horses, now lie in it.
Sage: Why do you have a safe full of passports?
Minnie: In case I have to flee the country.
Sage: That’s… very illegal. And we kind of work for the government now.
Minnie: (putting on a wig) Then I guess it’s time for Estella Gonzales to take a Mediterranean vacation.
Ethan: I have a plan.
Reese: I have the hospital on speed dial.
Minnie: My criminal record? The only illegal thing I've done is absolutely killing it on the dance floor!
Minnie: Ha! Just kidding, I did blow up a Target.
Reese: (holding their metal arm at a certain angle so they can reflect the sun into Ethan’s eyes)
Minnie: Rules are made to be broken.
Arthur: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Ethan: Uh, pinatas?
Reese: Glow sticks.
Mike: Karate boards.
Sage: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Minnie: Rules!

@HighPockets group

Mabel: Why do you have a safe full of passports?
Ira: In case I have to flee the country.
Mabel: That’s…very illegal, actually.
Ira: Oh.