@ElderGod-kirky group
(Imao getting roleplays mixed up here)
(Lol, okay)
She sighed and cool her her fingers through her tangled hair. "I dunno. I guess I've just never had a family so I don't really desire one, y'know?"
Runner thought for a moment.
"Well….hugging my mom for the first time….it's hard to explain. She's a total stranger, yet she's so damn familiar. I bawled like a baby, just 'cause of how good it felt. Sure, maybe she wasn't there for me when I was younger, but now she's an active part of my life." He smiled lightly. "Hell, we actually got through an entire conversation without crying last time we talked. And now, you have the same thing waiting for you." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before adding, "I think you should go."
She shook her head. "I've already met them. Several times. It's just… Weird. Except Angel. She's a doll."
He simply shrugged, even through she couldn't see him. "I told you what I think, love. It's your choice, though."
"Love," she turned to him, eyes bright with amusement. "That's new."
"Well," he said with a smile. "I gotta have something else to call you other than Tess, right?"
She was changing the subject, hoping he would drop it. She leaned forward so their faces were mere inches apart. "I recall you saying 'sadly' to Zeus's comment." She tilted her head. "Am I wrong?"
Hus smile grew slightly. "Nope. What about it?"
She bit her lip to suppress a smile. "Well, Runner. You've experienced first hand where my mind goes…" She trailed off, letting him speculate from there.
"Ah, but you got a reunion to go to. And maybe…just maybe, when you get back, you'll get, like….5 minutes of whatever you want." He grinned devilishly. Two can play it this game.
She raised a brow. "Only five minutes? And I never said I was going."
"But you will now, since that offers on the plate, right?" He tilted his head as he waited for a response.
She scowled at him and pulled back. "No kisses or cuddles for you."
"Tess, I'm serious. Zeus, for once, is right. This is something you should go to." He reached out for her hand.
True to her word, she prevented touch as she stood. "Suppose I should get some jeans," she muttered.
Runner blinked a few times, then nodded.
"Probably, yeah." I hate it when she acts like this. I'm only trying to help.
When she was halfway up the stairs, she yelled, "You should change too! There's no way in Hell I'm going without you!"
"I have no cl- oh yeah." He followed her up the stairs and entered his room, sorting through the limited selection in his closet. "How nice is this supposed to be?"
She heard him through the wall. "It's a family dinner. Nothing too fancy." She replaced her leggings with tight ripped jeans that were a faded navy blue.
He picked out a simple pair of black jeans and a red T-Shirt, pulling each of the items on and began fishing for socks at the bottom of the closet.
She just pulled on some socks and converse shoes to finish the ensemble, then was done. She fluffed out her hair and that was about it.
He finally pulled out a pair and sat down on the bed to slip them on his feet, tying on a pait of tennis shoes to finish everything out.
"You done?" She asked as she entered his room without warning.
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