@ElderGod-kirky group
Tessa broke away from the group and slowly spun in circles as she took in their new surroundings. "Whoa…." she breathed.
Tessa broke away from the group and slowly spun in circles as she took in their new surroundings. "Whoa…." she breathed.
Runner winced the second he got his bearings, putting a hand against his left ear. "One of the earplugs fell out." But he felt oddly at home in this place. Like he belonged here.
Rhianon watched the two with a blank expression, disguise gone. "This is the Between. The space between realities and time. You will be safe here." She flicked a hand, and the missing earpiece was in her outstretched palm.
He took it gently from her hand, slipping it back into his ear. "Thanks."
Runner seemed to hesitate for a moment, then asked, "Was this place where I was born?"
"Yes." Rhianon watched him wearily. Tessa was crouched next to a monstrous dog-like creature.
"I thought so. This place seems…familiar."
Rhianon nodded, then turned as Tessa yelped. The dog creature had snapped at Tessa when she got close. "Be careful. The creatures here are mischievous."
"So am I." Tess shot back and proceeded to chase after the creature.
Runner grinned slightly as she chased the animal around. "Should we stop her?"
Rhianon sighed. "Is there any way to stop her?" From her tone, it was clear she knew there was no stopping Tessa.
"Well….good point, I guess." He ducked under a whale-like creature as it flew over his head, frowning.
Rhianon easily ducked under it as well. "These creatures dwell here, occasionally transporting random people to different worlds or timelines for some time or playing pranks such as starting wars or altering someone's fate. They are not to be trifled with." The last part was directed towards Tessa, who was playing a game of catch-me-if-you-can with the dog creature.
"She isn't gonna listen until she gets hurt." He rubbed the right side of his jaw as he studied the sky, smiling slightly.
"Blech!" Tess was under the dog, turning her scrunched up face as it covered her with it's two slobbery tongues. "That is gross, dude."
Runner looked back over to Tessie, letting out a sigh. "Should I go help, at least?"
Rhianon watched the encounter, her black eyes devoid of any concern. "I suppose you could try."
He made his way over to the two, patting the dog on the side with a smile. "זה מספיק, buddy, she's taken."
The creature whined and gave Tess one last double kiss–earning an "Ech!" from Tessa for its trouble–before backing away.
An amused smile crept onto his lips as he offered his hand to Tess. "Seems like you've been cheating on me."
She took it. "What can I say? I'm a one of a kind catch."
He planted his feet and leaned back slightly, pulling her to her feet. "For once, we agree."
Something flickered in her eyes at the words, but she quickly tried hiding it by wiping off the slobber. "Rhianon, they're trying to kill Runner right? Not me?"
Rhianon nodded. "They are indeed only after him."
"Will he be safe if he stays here?"
"…Yes… Why do you ask?"
Tess looked around the place. "I have something to do. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be followed and that Runner would be safe without me. Can you transport me to New York City? As close to Columbus Park as possible, if you could."
Runner grabbed Tess's hand. "No, I told you I'm going with."
She pulled it back. "You have a target on your back, Runner. I will not be the reason someone hits a bullseye."
"Then let's say it right now If I get hurt, it's my fault, 100%."
"But it won't!" she argued. "The only reason you'll be there is because of me. It may be your decision, but you wouldn't have made it if I hadn't told you about them!"
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