forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers

@requiemisback language

Moony is typing…

Moony: Shep is just a nickname for Shepherd that was given to her for whatever reason. Courtesy of Ena here.

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: (:


SirLancelot is typing…
SirLancelot: So, I heard about this group chat with my sister, and I got kind of curious. Anything I should know?

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: oh, greetings, newcomer!! i'm Ena, and i- i don't even know what i am. i'm half-blue and half-yellow and that's basically the only interesting thing about me.

Moony is typing…

Moony: And my name's Moony. I'm formerly a legit cresent moon but oops, it looks like I have limbs now. Fun.


abietheshep: shep is a shep. a sweet and happy fluffy shep!
RedheadQueen: Basically, she's a chaotic neutral toddler with an addiction to sugar.
Swords_and_Helmets: And there's something wrong with that?
abietheshep: shep love to be a shep.


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: God, I would hope so.
TheModernCupidAzriel: or that would be terribly sad.

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: guns seem… scary-

eNa_ is typing…


Moony is typing…

Moony: Jesus Christmas Christ, I-

Moony is typing…

Moony: Okay, who scared Ena? I'm 🤏 this close to beating the shit out of somebody.


abietheshep: shep want gun. gun looks like a toy.
RedheadQueen: Abie, NO. It is NOT a toy.
abietheshep: but savannah has a gun.
RedheadQueen: Yes, and she uses it safely. For saving the world.
RockabyeGirl: How about a water gun?
Swords_and_Helmets: Or a nerf gun??
abietheshep: does shep get to shoot things with a water gun?
Swords_and_Helmets: Yes.
abietheshep: then shep want a water gun. shep will ask savannah for one.


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: That may have been me. I introduced her to something called guns from my dimension.


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: I am NOT. They were curious, so I introduced them. Also I'm a gun nut.
SirLancelot: So sue me.