forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers

@squiddicus language

BlazeInfernoooo is typing…

BlazeInfernoooo: If guns are anything like blasters, then I like them.
BlazeInfernoooo: I'm not supposed to use blasters, but they're very cool and they get the job done

@requiemisback language

Moony is typing…

Moony: No, definitely do

Moony is typing…

Moony: Whoever loses the case in court will get the beating of a lifetime afterward

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: should- should i be concerned-

Moony is typing…

Moony: Probably.


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: Why tho-

TheQueenofShut joined the chat.

TheQueenofShut is typing…
TheQueenofShut: Sue us and you'll land in a pool of gasoline with me holding the lighter.


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: I have natural charm, people love me, so im likely to win the case, because the lawyers and judge will get that ✨aphrodite blessing✨

@requiemisback language

Moony is typing…

Moony: Gl in court then, both of you

Moony is typing…

Moony: Hmu when someone wins the case

shepherd__ has joined the chat.

shepherd__ is typing…


shepherd__: I WANT IN ON THIS-

Moony is typing…

Moony: Stop leaving the chat and you'll be able to join in on the beating, Shep

shepherd__ is typing…

shepherd__: sounds good to me.


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: how about we do a mock court case and trial, you guys are the jury, one of you is the judge, while Lance and I give legitimate reasons for our claims.

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: i call dibs on being a member of the jury

eNa_: though i dunno what that even means

Moony is typing…

Moony: Okay cool. I'll be the judge then.

shepherd__ is typing…

shepherd__: i'll be the cameraman!!

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: cameraman???

Moony is typing…

Moony: This isn't Judge Judy, Shep-

shepherd__ is typing…

shepherd__: but what if it is

Moony is typing…

Moony: Fair point


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: A mock trial…I'm down.

TheQueenofShut is typing…
TheQueenofShut: But why bro-


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: alright Moony you say judge like things and we'll start, (and the jury decides who is correct Ena)

@spacebluelily language

Demon_Child: I heard trial
Agent ???: I heard Judge
Demon_Child: Who are we putting on trial today?
Demon_Child: Did someone find meat pies made out of human flesh?
Agent ???: Tf?
Demon_Child: It's a…er…musical/movie reference.

@requiemisback language

Moony is typing…

Moony: Okay uhhh judge things uh-

Moony is typing…


Moony is typing…

Moony: I'm starting to wish I didn't take this role

@requiemisback language

Moony is typing…

Moony: Okay cool

Moony is typing…


eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: wait pause, where's shep and the camera crew–


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: Lance shall deal with consequences due to the fact that he was promoting guns, and showing them to this groupchat.


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel:no not really, we use swords,spears,bows and stuff like that here at camp, but not GUNS.

@spacebluelily language

Agent ???: Interesting. Why not use guns? They're efficient.
Real_Boy: They kill people, guns.
Agent ???: Not ours. We just…pew pew and….uh…they explode.
OhCrackers: That sounds fun.


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: Perhaps you do. But, not here. You see, I'm part of a family hunting company. We take care of overpopulation and such. Like the wild hog problem in Texas. And in my defense, Ena was curious. Am I not allowed to teach someone what a gun is?


: …explode?!
TheOneWhoYaks: Fun! My little bro ate a bomb once. He’s okay, actually he’s better than okay. He said he had so much fun that day.
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle: What is wrong with you guys?! Wait…I shouldn’t say that. I eat souls, for peck’s sake!


: I guess that’s true…
TheOneWhoYaks: Uhhhhhh….yeah
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle: I’m also…technically…dead