forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers

@requiemisback language

dios_tool is typing…

dios_tool: oh, chaos- fun-

_higashikata is typing…

_higashikata: you know what luca says about you getting involved in chaos, juniper-

dios_tool is typing…

dios_tool: yes, but screw luca, he isn't here right now

notamafioso is typing…

notamafioso: I'm literally right here

dios_tool is typing…

dios_tool: SHIT

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

PuppetLovesMagma joined the chat
EzraTheBat has joined the chat
Fortuneiii has joined the chat*

PuppetLovesMagma is typing…

PuppetLovesMagma: deader than i was after i blew up that museum ayeeee

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Garcy_Isn’t_A_Fxckin_Cello is typing…
Garcy_Isn’t_A_Fxckin_Cello: who’re you
Garcy_Isn’t_A_Fxckin_Cello: haven’t seen you here before
Garcy_Isn’t_A_Fxckin_Cello: then again i haven’t read back through all of this, too much reading

Deleted user

Aiden joined the chat
Wren joined the chat

Aiden is typing…
Wren is typing…

Aiden: Why is it so ded in here?
Wren: Ohhh god, here we go…

Deleted user

Asuka has joined the chat

Aiden: Ohhh, there's some corpses here! Let's investigate
Wren and Asuka: Oh dear god, shut up Aiden.

Deleted user

Asuka: No… I'm Asuka Medelin René Halstead. i don't even really know what devilman crybaby is.

Deleted user

Asuka: Exactly my point. My name is easy for me to remember, just like yours is for you.

@spacebluelily language

Demon_Child: then how is it pronounced, oh Great One?

Demon_Child: I am now realizing that my previous comment sounds sarcastic.
Demon_Child: I could never be sarcastic.

Real_Boy: Hm, I smell sarcasm.