forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: No, my bad. I'm still getting used to this laptop. So tiny.
SirLancelot: I meant to type, he, not we.

@spacebluelily language

Agent ???: Guns bad, then? So, how am I supposed to defeat enemies without a gun?
OhCrackers: I dunno, a cursed gauntlet that turns people into stone?
Agent ???: 👀

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

MissEstella is typing…

MissEstella: Which Shep are we talking about, here? Pretty sure there's two of them?

Peregrine joined the chat

Peregrine: I see I've missed nothing of importance, yes? As for the gun debate… they provide more of a challenge compared to sword-on-sword combat. I like them.
MissEstella: Peregrine!! You're back!!
Peregrine: Thanks for noticing.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

AzamiPirate is typing…
MissEstella is typing…
Peregrine is typing…

AzamiPirate: haha nice
MissEstella: Niceeeee👉😎👉
Peregrine: I refuse to be entertained by such foolishness.


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: Eyes blue or brown, can't remember
Lot of time has passed, since third of December
Eyes green or grey, can't remember
But I bet you know the color of Heather's.

@spacebluelily language

Agent ???: Ayeeee
Demon_Child: Y'all think we can make it 70 users?
OhCrackers: You think you can shut up and go help our dads?
Demon_Child: Absolutely not.

@spacebluelily language

OhCrackers: lmao
Real_Boy: Grandma was not amused
Demon_Child: Or happy about it. Think she tried to kill dad once
OhCrackers: Can you blame her tho? Dad can be a bit dangerous and….evil at times
Real_Boy: Like when he abandoned me when he was 15 because he had thought I was an evil robot that would destroy humanity?
Demon_Child: Uh….yeah. Sure.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

MissEstella is typing…

MissEstella: But consider…
MissEstella: Gay pirate dads.
Peregrine: Ah. You mean my fathers, love?
MissEstella: The very ones! They're super nice!!
Peregrine: They are, I must agree.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

MissEstella is typing…

MissEstella: Can't buy them, and we're lasses, but they're the best! They're both super chill with me dating her daughter, and that's more than I could ask for ngl
Peregrine: Estella, I feel you love them even more than I do.


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: Welcome to this chaos newcomers-
SIrLancelot: Well who couldn't? They are. Gay. Pirate. Dads.