forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

MissEstella joined the chat

Peregrine joined the chat

MissEstella: Hello! Hope I didn't miss much, we just saw this!
Peregrine: What she said, although I am rather curious, what exactly is this?

AzamiPirate joined the chat

AzamiPirate: What's this? Just got back to the ship, you won't believe what happened!
AzamiPirate: Oh!!! Perry!! Long time no see!!!!
Peregrine: Who invited her? And never call me Perry again.


servicedog_peck is typing…

servicedog_peck: Oh my gods-
servicedog_peck: Noooooo
servicedog_peck: I don't wanna be a swear wordddd


chaosgod is typing…

chaosgod: AHAHAHAAAA

servicedog_peck is typing…

servicedog_peck: Pyxrin please
servicedog_peck: I'm actually crying right now

CatBoy is typing…

CatBoy: you're crying?
CatBoy: im on my way!

servicedog_peck is typing…

servicedog_peck: Ches, you aren't allowed to see me

CatBoy is typing…



SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: I killed someone who created my universe.

TheQueenofShut: Hol up. I thought we were doing some trail or whatever-


servicedog_peck is typing…
CatBoy is typing…

servicedog_peck: Wait, dragons aren't real? But we met that one last week! The one Dusk had, it bit Pyxrin? Is that not a dragon?

CatBoy: that was a dragon dont worry baby
CatBoy: they just don't have dragons where they live

servicedog_peck: Ohhhh

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

AzamiPirate: We met a dragon once, a few years ago!!
AzamiPirate: And my friend's ship has a dragon on it!

Peregrine: Which friend?
Peregrine: Oh.

Peregrine left the chat

MissEstella: Don't mind her, she gets embarrassed sometimes! I think the friend is Peregrine's father, right?

AzamiPirate: Yep! I miss the days on that ship! So many parties at night, and stopping on islands, and fighting Marines…

@spacebluelily language

OhCrackers: We do indeed have dragons
Real_Boy: We do?
OhCrackers: Yes. It just happens to be that Real_Boy was in the dump, and Demon_Child hadn't existed yet when a dragon attacked our city.


chaosgod is typing…



TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: uhm, last time I recall, I AM still suing you. For promoting gun violence.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

AzamiPirate is typing…

AzamiPirate: What's wrong with guns? They're not my thing, but lots of my friends have real good aim! I remember using one when I was little, but not since I ate my Devil Fruit!
Peregrine: I've been told you shot holes through the sails. Multiple times.
AzamiPirate: Yeah, I remember that too! My aim wasn't the best at the time!


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: whats wrong with guns??
They are supposed to be used to protect ourselves, when they can kill innocent people.
People are constantly thinking guns are an ok thing, due to people flashing them around and promoting them,
which can lead to the death of said gun owner, an innocent person, or possibly even multiple people.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

AzamiPirate is typing…

AzamiPirate: More innocent people will be killed with these damn Marines marching all over and going on about their justice or whatever. On my home island, when my first pirate crew raided the place, did they think twice before firing their cannons all over the island? I don't think so. And did they put a stop to the kidnapping and experimenting on children? Nope! We, the pirates, had to do that for them!
AzamiPirate: The people need to protect themselves from the Marines somehow!


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: Look. I get it. Guns, in the wrong hands, can be bad. But they still are a thing.
SirLancelot: Did I show a picture of a Glock? Yes. But was saying, 'Buy this thing because reasons!'? No. I was educating someone.


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

TheModernCupidAzriel: but then Shep wanted a gun, and from what I perceive they're literally a child, so thanks for that.


SirLancelot is typing…

SirLancelot: Okay, that's fair. But Shep seems like he's…a bit of a dim bulb.
SirLancelot: He also seems like one who likes violence a lot, so a gun would probably be something we would want.


TheModernCupidAzriel is typing…

*TheModernCupidAzriel: no, we dont want to make the violence worse with a gun we want it to REDUCE