forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers


(Imma join this with some comfort characters lol)

TheOneWhoYaks joined the chat
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle joined the chat
Emma63194 joined the chat

TheOneWhoYaks is typing…
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle is typing…
Emma63194 is typing…

TheOneWhoYaks: Hellooooo people!
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle: FOOOOOOOOLS!
Emma63194: Hi!

@requiemisback language

eNa_ has joined the chat.
Moony has joined the chat.

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: Salutations, everyone!

Moony is typing…

Moony: Yes, hello everyone.
Moony: Sorry we're late. Ena here got drunk again.


Emma63194 is typing…
TheOneWhoYaks is typing…
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle is typing…

Emma63194: It’s okay! I’m Emma!
TheOneWhoYaks: I’m Yakko!
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle: And you may call me Snatcher.

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: What Demon_Child said!
eNa_: Their names are wonderful!

Moony is typing…

Moony: Ena, you always think everything is wonderful-

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: Not always, Moony! (:


CatBoy is typing…

CatBoy: hey guys, i'm on supervised break. i'm allowed to talk to you guys right? you guys are all classed?
CatBoy: most likely
CatBoy: oh well

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: What does 'classed' mean?

Moony is typing…

Moony: Oh god. Ena get yer butt over here right now and lemme explain this to you

eNa is typing…

eNa_: Okay! (:

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is typing…

eNa__: Dunno about "class three and above" but I can say for sure that I'm not a criminal!

Moony is typing…

Moony: I ain't a criminal either.


Emma63194 is typing…
TheOneWhoYaks is typing…
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle is typing

Emma63194: Uh…does escaping from a farm where humans are raised as food for demons count as criminal activity?
TheOneWhoYaks: Uhhhhhh does causing mischief count?
SnickerdoodleMcPoolNoodle: uhhhh I eat souls-

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is tying…

eNa_: Oh my.

Moony is typing…

Moony: Mhm.

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: Wait a hot second. Moony how the heck are you typing right now? You're- aren't you a sphere?

Moony is typing…

Moony: The Great Runas, remember?

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: Oh right- Yeah I forgot, oops!


CatBoy is typing…

CatBoy: i'm sure its fine
CatBoy: you just can't tell anyone
CatBoy: i can't let them know if i breach my rehab agreements

@requiemisback language

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: Oh dear!
eNa_: Wait, Moony, I have a question-

Moony is typing…

Moony: What is it, Ena?

eNa_ is typing…

eNa_: Do I happen to count as a human? Like… do they have half-blue half-yellow faces like I do?

Moony is typing…

Moony: I- Yeah.. We'll go with that for now.