forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers

@The-Magician group

Colly_Flower is typing…

Colly_Flower: So many people… I’m not used to meeting so many people nowadays. I’m also not used to using an ‘English’? keyboard or speaking in this language.
Colly_Flower: Pardonnez-moi, am I correct in thinking that you all are humans?

@spacebluelily language

Agent ???: Humans? They're pretty much extinct in our universe. So no, I'm not human.
Demon_Child: I'm not exactly human per se, but I do have a human form.
Real_Boy: And I'm just an android.


abietheshep joined the chat.
RedheadQueen joined the chat.
RockabyeGirl joined the chat.
Swords_and_Helmets joined the chat.

abietheshep: hello!!! the fluffy shep say hello!!
Swords_and_Helmets: YO!
RockabyeGirl: Nia, sh, you'll scare them.
Swords_and_Helmets: How do you know?
RedheadQueen: Look, more aspiring fans of mine.


Swords_and_Helmets: CHAOS?
RockabyeGirl: Oh good stars - Nia, no.
Swords_and_Helmets: * maniacal laughter *
RockabyeGirl: I refuse to be blamed for when she blows up the server.

RockabyeGirl is offline.

Swords_and_Helmets: RG, you get back here!

@requiemisback language

parsleybotch is online.
parsleybotch is typing…

parsleybotch: HoYa
parsleybotch: ok now i'm gonna get back to doing paperwork
parsleybotch: sometimes it really sucks to be a lawyer

parsleybotch is offline.

@requiemisback language

stolengoods has joined the chat.
Kamal_ is online.
stolengoods is typing…
Kamal_ is typing…

stolengoods: am here. saw my name in chat.
Kamal_: Oh geez
Kamal_: Well, yes, hello Tim Tam-
stolengoods: hello person. hello other people.

@The-Magician group

Colly_Flower is typing…

Colly_Flower: So many people… I have not been around so many people since before 1456BC, and even then there were not many different types of people. What is Android and Hylian?

@The-Magician group

Colly_Flower: Resemble a human… That is strange. Although, I also look like a human but I am not. There are a lot of races that I know, but some are extinct now due to war…

@spacebluelily language

Agent ???: Oh, that's terrible. We were in a…danger of becoming extinct…but not due to war. The sea levels rose thousands of years ago… Anyways, when the sea levels rose, it wiped out all of the humans of the world. Our species, and our neighboring species we're forced to move to land.


PirateGremlin: except none of our races went extinct i think
PirateGremlin: zoras turned into rito which is weird because youd think fish people would do better in an ocean world but no i guess wings worked out better for em