forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Elder-God-Whisper work

okay but like
i'm trying to make a living off my art


Honey, your art is beautiful. Don't sell yourself short. You'll make it to the point where you're doing so well, you'll be amazing. Though, I do think that I deserve to get a tattoo from you at some point. ;P


idk if I posted this here or not but I don’t think I did lol
So I kind of got sick of my anime style and wanted to try something different.

It’s not super cute and anime-esq like my normal style and I actually surprisingly really like it. The proportions are a bit off but other than that I’m really proud. I mainly created it because I needed a simpler style to animate with, and I have some plans I want to use it for!


(Big upset that I'm on my school chromebook and can't see most of this qwq)
But also I have committed an unforgivable sin


Here’s a WIP of a second character I’m creating in that same art style I posted earlier. He’s part of a animated band I’m making and he’s the pianist but can also play the violin or ukulele.

He uh, kinda turned into an E-Boy and idk how that happened but we’re just gonna role with It.