forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@PaperHats business

(Thanks guys ;D I did that drawing in a small stream of thought and aaaaa I had no clue what I was doing. It’s a new art style I thought was cool. I dunno if I should keep it or not? If y’all have any suggestions on improvement or what I did right/wrong let me know pls! <3)

@Katastrophic group

I finished the sketches for my supporting characters, or secondary support characters I guess? They're the rest of the kids in my MC's class and I like designing characters too much so here we go

I don't know why I decided two of the fae needed to be designed after knights when I hate drawing armor, but I did it anyways. Amara and Sania are my favorite.

@Katastrophic group

thanks! Shino's design was fun to come up with but a pain to draw lol, he's based on a hollow dryad or tree spirit!
I just realized the hands that are for scale on Rausu and Soumi aren't on here whoops, they're supposed to be smol


Ok, so I'm wanting to make a webcomic and its a lot of work! The more detailed the art style the longer it takes to draw. I'm thinking I want to use this style or something similar to draw it in, but add some shading (its a ref sheet so I didn't really put much shading on it lol) and stuff like that. It's not super detailed and pretty simple, and still similar to my regular style, so i'm really liking it.

Do you guys think that this would be a good style to use in the webcomic? Is there anything you would change? I just want to make sure that the style is good enough and still unique enough for people to look at it and be able to tell it apart from others (i know you can't get really unique with an anime style, but i'm trying xD).