forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Mojack group

Is not finished yet but I haven’t finished a drawing in a while now and I have no clue when or if this’ll get done, soooo… here’s a character concept.

her name is Edith.


@Mojack whoa, dude thats simply amazing, ur so cool man <3

@Motaki ayy i love it ❤

i made this boyo for a friend's novel, its one of the main characters uwu


Ok so I’m way late but everybody’s art is so good but like
You have a ridiculous amount of talent. I’m not even exaggerating, that is insanely good. I bet a lot of famous artists wouldn’t be able to pull that off. Omg that’s amazingggg

(and I’m lowkey jealous but that’s not the point)


@Mojack whoa, dude thats simply amazing, ur so cool man <3

@Motaki ayy i love it ❤

i made this boyo for a friend's novel, its one of the main characters uwu

Loveee the hair!!!

Deleted user

Seriously, ya'll so talented, all of your art it's GORGEOUS

@Mojack group

basic headshot sketch of one of the animals of the worlds that I’m working on.

No erasing and I only undid about twenty times.

Deleted user

I’m planing on drawing some characters from anime I like that I haven’t drawn before. I’ve never drawn anyone from my two favorite anime’s Soul Eater and Fairy Tail so I might attempt


you know that moment when you have a Thing and it looks super cool in your head and then you attempt it and realise that literally everything about the colour palette is Not Up Your Alley? Because in attempting this concept, I remembered very quickly why I tend to stay away from yellowish browns and greens

Deleted user

I'm working on a ship drawing for 2 of my characters right now, don't know how it'll turn out but I hope it works

Ooh! Nice! I love OC art so much!