forum Desire, Deceit, and Death: A Mafia RP (CLOSED//Stalkers welcome)

people_alt 88 followers



"Even against the fate of God
Fly the flag of rebellion"

The mafia had been running Venezia for as long as anyone could remember. Members of the leading gang, Rabbia, have decided to betray their boss. Now they are on the run, being hunted down by rival gangs and passionate members of Rabbia. Will they finally reach freedom? Or will they fail and lose everything they once had?

"Rage to drown out these feelings of fear
Ever since I swore to turn my back on the devil"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy @Tired-but-passionate

General appearance:
Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here:


Name: Arcadia "Cade" Emrys (The gang often calls him Arcade, a codename of sorts)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
General appearance: Just over 6'. Cade has deep green eyes with dark brown/almost black hair. He has full lips and a white smile, he does have a silver tooth from when he lost one during a fight. Cade has tanned skin and a thin frame but that doesn't mean he isn't strong. He has a muscular body but it's nothing too showy. Cade has a scar on his left eye going through his eyebrow. He also has slightly pointed ears that each have a silver piercing. (Visual Aid:
Personality: Cade is quiet. He likes to be a silent observer and usually doesn't speak first. He likes comfortable silence a lot. He has a good judgement of character but chooses to use it for wrong. He's alert and has anxiety, occasional insomnia, (TW) self-medicates
Backstory: Cade grew up with negligent parents. They didn't care much about him and often left him alone with a babysitter. He grew to love her and considered her a maternal figure in his life. When he was 5, she left him to fend for himself in the middle of the night. Since then, his siblings, their friends, and the neighbourhood kids used him as a personal punching bag. Although he was tall and thin, he was full of rage, but powerless to do nothing. At age 12, he learned the babysitter he grew to love had been brutally killed by a gang. His rage grew. He began taking simple self-defense lessons from a man at a nearby boxing club who took pity on him when his siblings dumped his battered body in the alley behind it. Cade grew up fighting and got pretty strong and began standing up to his siblings. In one such fight, his siblings revealed that he was just a half-brother and that the lady who he considered his mom was just a mistress his dad brought. He questioned his dad who, after an intense yelling match, revealed that shortly after Cade was born, he had given his wife, Cade's mom, to the gang in return for a debt to be forgiven. She was brutally killed. That's when he brought his mistress to the house along with their 3 kids. Cade decided to join the gang to get revenge on his father and step-family and try to destroy the gang from the inside out or die trying. Unfortunately, his intentions were recently discovered and he is now on the run from the gang.
Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here: He is a Traitor. Cade knows Sign language, it; 's one of the ways he communicates with Codi.


Name: Arabelle "Arrow" Collins
Age: 29
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian
General appearance: long, thick golden hair worn in a braid, russet brown eyes, the face of a Roman goddess, broad shoulders and generally muscular, around 6’2. A tattoo of a red serpent curling around her left shoulder blade and down her back, and a small scar on her right cheek near her eye. Clothing style,
Personality: A rather hardened and jaded soul, she governs her sect of the criminal underworld with elegance and an iron fist. At the same time, she's quite flexible and will throw out the rules occasionally if she deems it appropriate, liking to take the unconventional route. Incredibly analytical and calculating, no decision she makes is without reason or in the moment. There is a madness though, lurking beneath the surface, and only manifests externally in very specific situations. Generally, she's very private and withdrawn, not really feeling it necessary to tell people what she's thinking or to engage in simple small talk. When she does speak, though, she's quite blunt and to the point. She's not really moved by emotion, but if she is, then it's only in, again, very specific situations.
Backstory: She was raised in a very controlling environment, and her constant refusal to conform to it led her to become labeled a 'bad kid.' As a young teenager, she was kicked out of the house due to her disobedience, dishonesty, and possibly her sexual orientation, but she herself isn't sure. For a while, she stayed at a friend's house, but a few years later an unfortunate incident led her to run away, the police on her tail. This incident led to a massive amount of guilt and shame, all of which she tried to repress by turning to crime and smoking, eventually even forgetting some parts of the incident. Initially working for Rabbia as an associate, she worked at a restaurant and secretly acted as negotiator and go-between in criminal transactions. The members of Rabbia recognized her quick decision making, resourcefulness, as well as leadership skills, and made her a member. She rose through the ranks, and eventually became the boss once the one before her was killed by a rival gang, Volpi. Volpi and Rabbia are in an ongoing, bloody feud, and Arabelle maintains orders that any member of Volpi seen in their territory should be killed on sight.
Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here: has a nut allergy, probably the only butch lesbian in the world that doesn’t have short hair lol. Wants a cat as her partner in crime. A little too familiar with making and using incendiaries. Diagnosed with depression and PTSD.


Name: Illeana Dove Ellis (They call her Dove and she’s known as Mourning Dove for her crimes.)
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
General appearance: Illeana is about 5’6 and thin with a muscular body. She works out a lot and has the body to reflect that. Illeana had long red hair that she chopped short and hazel eyes. Her eyes reflect the bright colour of her hair every so often giving them a red hue. She’s got a small upward-pointed nose with a piercing. Illeana enjoys piercings and tattoos, she has quite a few ear piercings and almost always has earrings in them. She has a few tattoos, each one means something to her but no one knows what they mean. She enjoys jewelry and has a vast collection of dark Victorian-inspired pieces. Always has silver rings and at least 2 necklaces, a long silver chain with an arrowhead pendant, and a leather one with a small polished river stone pendant. Her style is very dark Victorian and she enjoys modernizing it. She chooses dark neutrals and most pieces have a lace aspect to them. She likes to wear pants but nothing that restricts her movements. She likes pockets. A lot. The last thing she loves to wear is gloves, whether fingerless, leather, or biker gloves, she’ll always have a pair on her at any given time. (Visual Aid:
Personality: Illeana is a bit sponteanous. She is loyal to those who remain loyal to her. A cold and calculating person who enjoys games and showing up people. She will plan for things in advance bit make split-second changes and alter plans to suit her needs. One may say she is very flexible. Her subordinates are convinced she has ADHD but she never confirms or denies those rumours so one can never tell.
Backstory: Illeana grew up in a gang family. Her family was well-off and as a child, she didn't know the details of her parents' business. Around the age of 13, she snuck downstairs to spy on her parents. They had sent her to bed and she thought they were watching a movie. She overheard them planning to get rid of a rival and became scared, revealing that she was there. They explained everything to her and she understood that it was a secret. After all, loyalty is everything. She was introduced to the gang at age 15 when she started high school. In the two years prior, her parents taught her to fight, shoot, and create a dangerous persona. They also enrolled her in acting classes. In high school, some kids knew who she was and feared her while others paid her no attention. Illeana was quiet and stuck to the shadows, spying. At age 18, her uncle betrayed their family and got her beloved older (Irish Twin) brother killed during a run-in with the cops. Her mother was never the same after losing her firstborn. Her younger sister resorted to self-medicating and was given something laced with a toxin by that same uncle and also died. She vowed to get her revenge and succeeded, getting rid of him in the most humiliating way she knew. Since then, loyalty has been a huge aspect of her personality.
Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here: She is an excellent marksman and skilled in close combat.


(I probably shouldn't, BUT, this sounds super cool if you're open to having me!!)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Dustin king
Age: 17
Pronouns: he, him
Sexuality: straight
General appearance:
Personality:Quiet like his mum, overly protective, sarcastic, can tend to be rude, honest to a fault. willing to do the dark deed to get results or protect those he loves.
Backstory: his dad was apart of the gang, and dragged his mom into it and then left leaving his mom in the gang not able to leave, where she had him. he grew up in the gang and even when he was little he could tell that his mom didn't want to be there. he would suggest them to run away together but she would always say no. when he grew up to be bigger and older he decided to learn how to fight to protect his mom from anyone that might due her any harm. He doesn't talk to many people besides his mom and (shy girls name) and has done some dirty deeds for the gang.
Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here

I don't know if it's okay, but in his normal backstory he's concieved by the leader of the gang, and if that's not okay then we can just say it was a gang women with high status

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Raisuke issei
Age: 22
Gender: male
Pronouns: he him
Sexuality: straight

General appearance: Rai stands at a height of 6'0ft tall, a more stocky and strong body type, having a good bit of muscle on his upper body. He has a long thick pinkish purple hair. It's mostly straight, but it poofs up from time to time whenever it's humid out. His skin is tan but with warmer undertones, and he almost never gets burnt. He has reddish purple eyes, with hues of pink in them.
Hes got a piercing on his right ear, and bandages riddled all over his face. He wears a checkered sweater vest, and a shirt underneath it. He has wripped jeans and vans as well for shoes. He almost always ties his hair up into a ponytail just because there's so much of it.

Personality: he's generally a nice guy, he cares about people and their interests and always wants to make a good first impression around those that he meets. He's pretty willing to be flexible with whatever someone wants, and sometimes is guilty of putting on an act to help them feel better. Though he is quick to stop anyone from being bullied, or hurt. He wants to help people as much as he possibly can, and will put himself in the line of fire to do so. Sometimes his anger issues make him get a little ahead of himself, and a bit aggressive though he's able to be calmed down by someone who he's known for years on end. He's different whenever he's around his parents, as he tends to act out in public, and act as if he's a hooligan to try and ruin his parents social status and relationships with people. He is angry at his parents for sending him away and trying to “fix “ him. He will show that in any means possible.


Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here:
He's got tons of scars from his time with the Mafia, and with the Yakuza…he's hoping that running away with the others will get him away from this once and for all…but he still hasn't learned to stop running away his problems.