forum Desire, Deceit, and Death: A Mafia RP (CLOSED//Stalkers welcome)

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(I'm open to starting it off! I can't guarantee I'll get it done tonight, though, and I'll definitely be busy tomorrow. Is everyone meeting for the first time? Otherwise I think it'd be neat if they all knew each other at least on a surface level, maybe got acquainted as they fled or had communications before/during the betrayal. Then the starter could be them arriving at a pre-designated meeting spot and being all like, "The hell happened? / How did all of us fail??" Just a thought!! I don't have all the context of the original roleplay.)


(That's kind of how the original started too. The rebels were running and trying to find a way to meet up in one place but it was difficult because they had gotten split up. The gang was in chaos trying to figure out what the hell happened and how so many of their members just decided to rebel.)


(Not an issue at all!! That sounds incredible, actually. Maybe Codi overheard Cade's name mentioned in association with traitors and decided to warn him since he's also a traitor? Or vice versa, maybe Cade was the one to warn Codi when he realized his intentions had been discovered!)


(I think that would work! If Codi is mute, then the gang would most probably assume that he was deaf too and speak around him. He could have overheard a plot and warned Cade who then planned an escape and took him with him!)
(Also, I'm able to post a starter if y'all are a little stuck? I can put 2 sides to it so we have a gang and a traitors starter)


(Very true! I'm still open to posting a starter, but if you have one in mind then by all means go for it!! I'm about to go to bed and I probably wouldn't have one ready until later tomorrow at the earliest. I really don't mind either way ^^)


(I had time earlier but we had pizza for dinner which was obviously more important and now it's 1am. If I wake up early tomorrow, I'll probably post a starter, I'm not going to work so I should have more time.)


(Apologies, I'm feeling like crap. I made it so there is a way for anyone to enter into the story but if you're not really sure how to put yourself into this story, just introduce your character however you want.)

"Alright, so if we go like…..and then possibly consider the Ellison Manoeuvre….we might need more bullets and possibly a crossbow?" Cade leaned on his arms and stared down at a mess of white papers with blueprints and multiple file folders. The wall in front of him had a large mess of papers, red string, and photos. He silently stared at the blueprint, frowning as the gears turned in his head. As unfortunate as it seemed, his revenge plot was getting nowhere. how was he supposed to avenge his mother if he couldn't even make heads or tails of this blue print? A loud beeping broke his spiralling thoughts and he shook his head to clear his mind.

"Go for Arcade, what's going on?" He spoke through the phone. A muffled buzz sounded followed by a thump then silence. Cade frowned, what the hell was that? "You know this is not meant for fun and games. Tell me what you want or I'm going to Arrow." He growled. The voice on the other end scoffed and chuckled. The hairs on Cade's arms rose and a slight chill washed over him. Something's not right.

"Go to Arrow. I'm sure her next assignment for you will be…eventful to say the least." The voice spoke before the line dropped and a dial tone began its merciless taunt. What was going on? Cade knew hed had to leave his warehouse before anyone got to him. Taking pictures of everything he had gotten done in the last couple months, Cade tossed what he could in packing boxes and loaded them onto the white moving van he was renting under a friend's name. He dropped the van where he left his bike and changed vehicles. Cade rode to a shop nearby one of the common hanging grounds for the gang and walked around on edge, looking or listening for something familiar to calm his jittery body.

Dove walked around with a hand in her pocket and a butterfly knife in the other. She flipped it around, fiddling with it as she watched some of the less qualified members working on their combat skills in the gym. It was interesting to watch the hand-to-hand combat matches, she almost always had a bet placed on one of the fighters and 90% of the time her predictions were true. The only times she didn't guess right was if someone was knocked out or pulled a cowardly move and asked for mercy. Dove didn't know mercy even if it knocked her upside the head.

A buzz on her waist made her clench her fist. the specific pattern of buzzing made it clear who exactly was asking for her. As she responded to Arabelle's message, she began to make her way to her office, pausing when she heard cheers coming from the gym. She finally flicked her knife closed and pocketed it, a bounce in her step as she began the winding journey to Arabelle's office. I'll collect my winnings later.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Lili was in the main hub for the mobs computers, trying to erase the small trace that they were able to find of Rai, the 'traitor'. She knew how it felt to want out, and he found a way to run, so she would make sure he got it. She wasn't the best at computers, she was better at being an assassin, but she had training with them, and know how to find and delete what she was looking for without leaving any clues that it might have been her. She had already set up a timed program to replace the security camera's record of her leaving this room, and had already replaced the footage of her entering. She wouldn't leave any trace.

She envied Rai though. Yes, he had been treated much worse than her, but he found a way out. And he had her. He didn't know it, but he had left a trail, and without her, he'd probably already be dead. When Lili escaped, she wouldn't have a helper on the inside to make sure there was not even the tiniest trail. It would be much harder for her. She didn't know if she'd ever get to taste freedom.


(Just to clarify before I post my response, is Cade already on the run or just preparing?)


A lonely street lamp flickered in the near distance.

Codi glanced at it in boredom. The scenery wasn't exactly something to admire. Just the same old dirty alleyway in the mafia’s typical hanging grounds.

Off to his side were two other soldiers, Archie and Dan, who had received the same orders to guard the door as himself while Andy and Thompson settled business inside.

Codi didn't envy the night’s victim. Taking loans from the mafia was hardly a healthy decision, after all. Given the lady was ‘invited’ to the base itself, he wouldn't count on her making it out unscathed.

As Archie yawned and tapped away idly at his phone, Codi continued to mull over the night’s task. It had been many, many years since Codi was assigned such a mundane job as door duty. The others were all older than him–all except Archie, that is–and yet every one of them was far newer to the family than himself. It felt as if he was being distanced from the main business, which worried him.

Why now, after all this time?

A recent discussion he had overheard only added to his concern. Whispers of traitors, furtive glances thrown by the capos and other higher ranking soldiers. People aren't as careful as they should be when they know that you can't speak.

Of course, many of them simply assumed Codi was deaf. The mask helped, concealed the physical evidence from prying eyes. Besides, only the higher ups truly knew what had been done to him, and he never bothered correcting anyone else.

In some ways it was a blessing he was known just as “Haystacks” and not “The Kid Who Disobeyed Direct Orders”–especially since he had never learned any better.

Strict parents raise sneaky kids,’ he mused, followed by an internal scoff and, ‘Some parent figure this lot is.

He would have left long before rumors about traitors, but one thing made him stick around. More than anything in this world, Codi wanted to see the consigliere dead. He was far too cruel, had hurt far too many people–Codi included–to remain breathing.

Even that desire, however, fell victim to survival instinct. Staying would only get himself killed if they truly knew about his sabotage, which he was beginning to suspect was the case. Why else would he be appointed door duty, of all things?

Which left only one loose end. One task to accomplish before taking his bags and disappearing into the night.

See, Codi hadn't heard his name in the hushed speak of traitors, but there had been a name.


The man had to be warned. If he wasn't, he would surely be tortured and killed–possibly even by the consigliere himself.

Codi wasn't about to let a fellow traitor-in-arms fall victim to that kind of punishment, not when he could still help it. He could use an ally, anyways, if he ever hoped to deal any real damage.

All he had to do was find Arcade and warn him apart from the others. He had to be careful–any note he tried to write ran the risk of being seen by unwanted eyes. He had to warn Arcade in person, make sure the man believed him.

The difficult part would be finding an opportunity to do so, especially if the Mafia no longer trusted him. They would do their best to keep potential traitors apart, not to mention Codi knew nothing of Arcade’s schedule.

Codi sighed, the sound more akin to a hiss, and let his eyes drift to the sliver of street visible from his vantage point. To his surprise, he found eyes looking back at him–or at least, in his general direction–as a figure passed by the alley. For one brief second the street lamp illuminated the person beneath, and Codi’s eyes widened.

He was by no means familiar with Arcade, but being in the same gang he had, of course, seen the other man before. To his absolute bafflement, the figure was the very same Arcade he was looking for.

Think of the devil and he shall appear.’ Codi was never a believer in luck, but this felt nothing short of divine intervention. Like the universe itself was rewarding him for doing something good, for a change.

Glancing back at Archie and Dan, he pointed at himself and made a walking motion with his fingers, then indicated both of them remain where they were.

Neither of them looked particularly bothered by the prospect, and Dan gave a little nod. Even if they thought he was strange, that didn't change the fact that Codi still had superiority among them.

Besides, two people were more than enough to handle door duty for a bit.

Taking off down the alley, he waited until he'd passed the corner to pick up speed. To his delight, he spotted Arcade not too far ahead.

He knew from experience that sneaking up on a gangster was a dangerous game, but with no voice to call out with he instead raised his phone, flashing his flashlight in a few short bursts to catch the other man’s attention.