forum Desire, Deceit, and Death: A Mafia RP (CLOSED//Stalkers welcome)

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@JustALostM book

Name: Lace ‘Metal’ Carter
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
General appearance: Crimson read eyes and flat, short black hair. Lace stands about 5’5. He usually wairs leathery types of clothing (exept leather pants! Those are the baine of his existence). Bags under his eyes are always present due to his constant late nights n’ other things. He has golden and sliver glasess whic, to be honest, he didn't nead to change for the longest of times. (Those are importainat to see, ya know?) (not good with decriptions lol)
Personality: Though Lace seemes to be cold, It's only a facade for work. If he omes out to be too nice, he risks losing his job (which he thinks is weird). Off of work he tends to have a little more of a bubbly(?) personality, always trying to stay a little more to the optomistic side. It's the only thing that really keeps him sane (most of the time).
As a child, Lace's father was barely ever home. When he was, Lace would be lucky to catch his father in a non-entoxicated state or in an non-ingered one. Over a few years, Lace saw how the old age… No, the intoxication and ingerys was the thing that he'd assume brought his father to his final breath.

One night, he over heard his father franicly talking to his mother about different topics but Lace only really started paying any attention when he said “They're after me..” His father went out to the ‘bar’ that night. And never came back in the morning.

Over the many years without a father, Lace had connected more dots than one. That comment his father made that night… He needed to know who…

His mother was the one who broke the news to Lace. A very well known gang by the name of… And thats where his mother stopped. She stopped and seemed to brake down. That night was the last Lace had seen of his mother. He put flowers on her grave evey time he visited.

Over the next year, Lace understood that if he sulked around about everything, it'd most probably lead to his own so he got a job as a cab driver.

One day, a man witha mask and what seemed to be a pistol rushed into his car DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!! Lace turned the gear to three and pushed the pettle to the metal. He zoomed by all the cars, dogding and weaving. This was new to Lace, yet so much fun.

When the masked man told Lace to stop in an alleyway and get out with him, Laces heart dropped. Death was coming? and he was only 19? Sad way to go out, ya know?

“Look, You drive well… And it seems that you can get better. But you aren't living your normal life anymore. Not since you were seen with me. Here.” The masked figure handed him a crumpled post-it with a number writen on it. “If ya need a job which pays well, Ya know who to call.”

The next night, the same man was sitting in his back seat and they were flying 100 in a 60 zone.

Maybe a getaway driver wasn't so bad, aye? I get the money…

Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here:

@JustALostM book

(Kind of surprised that I had a mafia character just lyin' around in my Google docs lol. Tweaked him a lil)


( @Tired-but-passionate Thank you so much!! I struggled a lot with it initially, but once I started to get some words down it flowed a lot better. I ended up writing most of it on my phone lol. But trust me, I get writer's funk! It's hard to break out of T.T)


Arabelle slumped over the desk, her hand resting against her head as she held the cigarette. A trail of smoke drifted up from it. She had not been leader of the gang for that long, compared to her predecessor, but she suspected that she was dealing with a lot more now than he ever did. Ever since the previous leader was murdered, Arabelle had to watch for the Volpi’s every move. And now, this. She stared at the files, letting out a smoky breath. She had to deal with this now, before the Volpi complicated things or distracted her.
Then she felt a buzz from her phone. She glanced at it, straightening as she realized it was a reply from Dove. Arabelle brushed some hair strands behind her ear. Thank whatever god was out there for Dove. It was their friendship and relationship with her family that got her where she was today. If she was being honest, she consulted her more than the consigliere himself. But of course, it was only natural. The consigliere had been her biggest obstacle to achieving this position after her predecessor’s murder. Now they had a fragile alliance. Even with such dire matters, Arabelle would not ask for his advice just yet.
Arabelle organized the files in front of her, then set her cigarette on the ash tray, waiting.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Dustin was in the training gym, running reps on the punching bags. He couldn't care less about what the traitors were up to right now. If he needed to concern himself with their whereabouts…then it was simple. He would be called to the office and told his mission and his targets. Then, he would swiftly take care of them from a distance and run home with another completed mission.
Might as well get some training in while he still had the chance too. There was a chance he would be sent out to take care of a smaller target instead of the traitors. Which would be disappointing, but he would still take care of it with the same amount of precision. He was loyal to this group, and that was how it would stay as long as his mother remained with them and remained safe. He took a moment to pause, walking over to his water bottle to take a sip from it. He knew his limits, and pacing was better than over doing it all at once.

@JustALostM book

Tick, tick, tick, tick
Lace listened to the watch on his wrist in boredom. It was the only thing keeping occupied while waiting in his car. The reason Lace wasn’t mindlessly scrolling through his phone was because like the smart one he was, he accidentally dropped it in a puddle. Or that's what he told everyone who had asked him. In reality, a few days prior Lace made some instant noodle soup and wasn’t paying attention so his phone slipped from his hands and into the soup. That was a sad moment for him.

Tick, tick tic-
There was silence for a few moments. Aw, c’mon! You really want to stop on me right now?! Lace got this watch from one of his friends. It was one of those cool wind-up watches where you could see the gears moving an all but it always had gotten on his nerves when it would randomly stop. He quickly took off the watch and stuffed it in his pocket. He wasn't in the mood to wind the watch.

Lace rested his head on the top of his steering wheel. What was he supposed to do now? Wait for a sign to go?

Now exiting the car, Lace looked up at the sky. There wasn’t much to do when he wasn’t on the job. Other than doing anything else but he doesn’t like when people tell him what to do. Lace smirked at that thought.


(Sorry! Was facing severe writer's block!)

Cade frowned as a flashing light caught his attention. He slowly glanced over at the light and sighed in minor relief as he spotted Codi there. Still hanging inside the shop, Cade raised his hands in Codi's direction.

What's going on? I was contacted on the walkie talkie and something was off. He signed, pausing to wait for the other's response.

While waiting, he felt his phone buzz and quickly glanced at it. he switched the screen off before turning it back on and doing a double-take. Arrows have been shot, and their mark has been determined. The Mourning Dove's call is wailing in the night. Cade cursed silently. He had been made. Did that mean that Codi was against him? He immediately stiffened and put up a wall, something was going to happen and he did not want to get caught in the middle of it just yet.

Dove walked into Arabelle's office and flopped onto a chair. "Hey Bells, What's the move?" She asked. It had been some time since she had gotten one-on-one time with the only person she considered a friend. Other than her family, Dove trusted a limited amount of people. there was not one person she would trust with her life, possibly Arabelle but even that was a maybe.


(No worries, friend!!)

Codi's eyes lit up when Arcade spotted him. He picked up his pace, throwing up a small wave in greeting and pocketing his phone with the other hand.

This was another reason that it had felt so important to rescue Arcade. Understanding sign wasn't a common skill, neither was it one one that was likely to be picked up in their line of business. And of course, those who knew of his condition were the issuing orders type, where Codi's input was not only unneeded but undesired. Thus the number of people he could talk freely to was few.

Arcade, though, always seemed to make it a habit to greet him in sign. It wasn't necessary–Codi wasn't even sure if the other man knew he had his hearing–but the gesture was appreciated nevertheless. It meant the man saw him as an equal, or at least something close to that. It also gave him a chance to practice reading signs, as everyone had a different flavor of "accent", as it were, and varied from the slow and practiced movements of his caregiver.

Now, however, he was most glad for the opportunity to speak in private.

Codi's eyes eagerly followed the motion of Cade's hands–and his brow creased. 'Something was off? Are they already making their move?' He wished he still had his own walkie, but ever since one of the capos had insinuated it would be useless in his hands, he'd been stuck listening in on his various assigned partners to stay in the loop.

Which he was sure didn't help him with the deaf allegations.

'Who called you?' he asked, signing out the letters R-A-D-I-O and cupping his hand to his ear.

When he realized Cade was looking at his phone, though, he frowned. The surprise on the man's face turned quickly into suspicion, and wariness reared it's head like an ugly bull.

Codi slowed and stopped, still several feet away from the store front Cade was appraising him from. He paused, uncertain in the face of whatever information Arcade had just discovered.

He wasn't about to back down, though.

'Rabbia knows about you,' Codi signed quickly, casting a glance back the way he came to ensure Archie and the others hadn't left in pursuit of him. 'You need to run. Tonight.'

Anticipating disbelief or even hostility at the implication, he hastily added, 'I am,' He hesitated to sign the word for traitor. It felt like inviting bad luck to admit something so openly, regardless of the language, and so he substituted it with the sign for "same".

'I have a safe place to stay for one night. Maybe two.' He wiggled his hand side to side to emphasize the "maybe" in that, but his eyes were serious.

'Will you come?'


The fact that Codi immediately signed a warning made Cade hesitate. His wariness further diminished when the other male signed that they were similar. Cade relaxed slightly.

'Where is it? How can we get there?' Cade signed, relaxing his hand movements a tad. Although he had known Codi for some time now, there was always a chance that this person could turn on him. Cade didn't want to take any chances. He knew that Codi was trustworthy so long as they were on the same side, it was part of the reason why Cade had revealed that he knew how to sign, he knew how many of the others viewed Codi and thought that it would be a great way to speak without speaking.

Cade waited for Codi to respond and thought about his life in the gang. It had been some years and so much had happened. Cade knew that with how much history was between him and the gang, the chances of survival were diminishing the longer he stood there pondering.

'Guarantee that its safe and we can leave tonight.' he signed.


“We have a problem.” Arabelle pushed the files toward Dove. “A couple of wannabe runaways, one actively seeking the breakdown of Rabbia. I want to take care of them quickly, before they complicate things.”
The files had each of the traitors’ names at the top, a photo underneath, was well as basic information and evidence of their treachery.
“Emrys is the one who seems to be looking to cause damage, but the others could be his accomplices. It isn’t certain.” She nearly reached for her cigarette, but stayed her hand. “Bosey running is understandable, but he might look to cause trouble for us later. He’s also the most likely to be an accomplice.”