forum Desire, Deceit, and Death: A Mafia RP (CLOSED//Stalkers welcome)

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(Cade and Codi are near the homebase but not too close, maybe like 1-2km away so if Rai wants to join them, he'd have to make that trip somehow. Codi is on a mission so he's armed and Cade is on edge and armed)



'The Lions? I know Rabbia wont come here first but we would need to move within a few days at least.' Cade was impressed with the location, it was inconspicuous enough for the gang to miss it at first but they would need to be on their guard and have the quickest reflex time just in case. There was no telling exactly what Arabelle and Dove would do.

With everything he had, it might mean he would have to abandon his bike, especially if he wanted to take everything with him. He sighed and tapped his fingers against the edge of his thigh. 'It seems a little too perfect, do you have a guarantee that you won't turn against me? Even if they offer you something you cannot resist?'

As childish as it may have sounded, Cade was serious. He had no friends in the gang and he had made this intentional decision for situations like this. But it also hindered his ability to trust others.


(Even the ones who haven't rebelled yet?)

(I mean, yes? I think they would’ve found evidence of Lili helping the others, and… tbh idk about Rai)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(They would probably have files of Rai before he left, but I don't know if they would know that he quit, not that he's just missing without explanation. Though they could probably connect the dots, unless Lili deleted all his files.)


With Arabelle's sudden change in demeanour, Dove stiffened and glanced at the door. "I understand that but you have to admit, we will need some form of help. I'm good with my hands but not as much with my mind. If we have Emrys and Bosey on the run, chances are they may have someone else on the inside helping them out." She spoke in a quiet tone and leaned on Arabelle's desk. "This will allow us to keep an eye on the strongest in the team and make an example for anyone of them who may be plotting something similar."

“Now, I didn’t say that we didn’t need help. I’m just saying to think before we act.” Arabelle narrowed her eyes. “Think before you do something without asking me first.”
She looked down at the files again. “Siderfell. She seems to be focused on quietly taking care of the digital footprint Emrys left behind. That’s what the evidence is pointing to, at least. She could be doing more than just that.”

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Raisuke was busy running away from his problems, again.

He realized how big of a mistake he made, and he needed an out. He packed all his stuff up and ensured not to leave anything behind. He stayed careful and went late into the night when he was sure even the insomniacs were asleep.

He was quick to leave but careful. He knew one slip-up and could very well end his life for being a deserter. He wasn't ready for his life to be over yet.

He did the first stretch of miles walking, not wanting to make any noise or drain his energy right away. Though…as soon as he was far away enough, he did a couple of stretches of long-winded running, making sure he didn't overexert himself while running. Pacing would be important. He made sure to stop from time to time, careful to stay out of any headlights.

That was when he noticed two people he recognized, well half recognized. He was nervous at first, and cautious at best. Would they turn him in if they found out about him? He hesitated to approach them, hanging back slightly.



'The Lions? I know Rabbia wont come here first but we would need to move within a few days at least.' Cade was impressed with the location, it was inconspicuous enough for the gang to miss it at first but they would need to be on their guard and have the quickest reflex time just in case. There was no telling exactly what Arabelle and Dove would do.

With everything he had, it might mean he would have to abandon his bike, especially if he wanted to take everything with him. He sighed and tapped his fingers against the edge of his thigh. 'It seems a little too perfect, do you have a guarantee that you won't turn against me? Even if they offer you something you cannot resist?'

As childish as it may have sounded, Cade was serious. He had no friends in the gang and he had made this intentional decision for situations like this. But it also hindered his ability to trust others.

Cade was almost sold, Codi was sure of it. At the pointed question, however, the older frowned behind his mask. It seemed he wasn't the only one with reservations about the alliance he was proposing. 'Rabbia has nothing to offer me,' he signed curtly, his movements jagged and punctuated by firm resolution. 'They cannot return what they have taken. The only thing I want now must be taken in the same way. With force.' He crossed his forearm above a loose first and, with purpose, swatted his open hand in a downward motion.

His eyes were steely with resolve, and a faint glimmer of resentment lurked in their depths. It was clear the feeling was in no way directed at Arcade, but nevertheless it suggested it was a subject not to be pressed. Codi's gaze gradually softened once more.

'I have no friends in Rabbia,' he continued stiffly. 'I think you must also want something that they cannot give. Otherwise I would never have come to you. The choice is yours.'

He showed Cade the flat of his palm, indicating peace, before reaching slowly into his pocket to reveal a shoddy looking spiral notebook the size of his palm. In the spiral was a pen, which he uncapped and pressed to the paper, ready to scribble out an address–

A shadow stopped him. He paused, years of instinct and dangerous experiences putting him on edge. He turned his head, searching the opposite side of the street for any sign of someone nearby. 'Did Dan follow me? Archie?'

He pressed his lips together, invisible beneath his mask. There was no evidence anyone was near, but he could have sworn he caught movement in his peripheral vision before he turned. He glanced back at Arcade, furrowing his brows in a silent question while his pen hand dipped to hover over the gun tucked into his waistband, conveniently hidden by the suit jacket he wore.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Lilian still waited outside Arabelle's office, wondering if she had been careful enough. She had replaced any suspicious camera footage of her with a loop of empty footage, deleted her digital footprint, completely erased any trace of what she had been doing, or so she had thought. Had she missed anything? Left any trace? She had completed all her missions, all her duties, all her tasks on time, even around her hacking. Had somebody seen her? Was she worrying too much? And why was she worrying? She was trained to be the best little puppet for the Mafia, her guardians had never once considered she might turn against them. If she had been discovered, did she really have to worry? All she had done was delete some files that nobody had been looking at, nobody even knew we're ever there. She'd be fine, right?


Dove rolled her eyes at Arabelle's words but made sure that she didn't see, she preferred not to have her friend upset with her over such a little thing. "I will. I know I don't have any official title but I thought you'd know that I'd never do anything to hurt the organization." She stated. Dove turned the file a little to read what was written. "This Siderfell, has she been seen interacting with the rebels? She needs to be stopped before her file-deleting habit becomes a hindrance."

Cade's eyes softened a bit after seeing what Codi said. 'It seems we are quite similar. We may have the same end goal.' he moved his hands quickly and leaned against the wall. He didn't want to pry, it seemed as though Codi preferred to keep whatever it was a secret. Cade respected that. In his own experience, trust was a fickle thing and right now, they had only sparks to show for it.

As the sun fully set, a cool breeze picked up and Cade sighed. It was such a peaceful night, he almost felt annoyed that he would get to enjoy it. Truth be told, his work was far more important. In all honesty, the faster he could finish all this, the faster he would get time to enjoy future nights like these.

'Rabbia has only one thing to offer me, their demise. I have high hopes that I'll be the cause of that before they can offer anything worthwhile to me.' Cade scoffed and showed the palm of his hand as well, seemingly accepting the peace offering. He zipped his jacket up and pushed off the wall to walk towards Codi who was holding a book.

He raised his hands to sign a question but Codi's hesitance made him freeze. He focused his energy on listening and heard the sound of shoes shuffling. Cade flicked his wrist to bring out his knife and silently walked to the edge of the wall. He glanced at Codi and jerked his head in the direction of the sidewalk, hoping that he understood his signal.


Dove rolled her eyes at Arabelle's words but made sure that she didn't see, she preferred not to have her friend upset with her over such a little thing. "I will. I know I don't have any official title but I thought you'd know that I'd never do anything to hurt the organization." She stated. Dove turned the file a little to read what was written. "This Siderfell, has she been seen interacting with the rebels? She needs to be stopped before her file-deleting habit becomes a hindrance."

“Yes I do. I never said that you would.” She let out a soft sigh and felt her hand reaching for the ash tray. “According to reports, yes. She’s not stupid though. Took the spies some effort to gather the evidence we have now.”
Indeed, the moment Arabelle hears of anything suspicious about a member, she tasks a spy to gather information on them. It was better that way, since she usually had to deal with the conflict with Volpi.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Dexter made his way out of the gym and got changed into more normal clothes after showering in the base. He didn't want to show up to the leaders office covered in sweat or smelling like it.

He made his way to arabellas office, shoving his hands in pockets. That is…until he spotted Lili creeping at the door. He approached her from behind, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Listening in when we shouldn't be?" He spoke softly to her, towering over the poor girl while remaining a group handy on her shoulder.