forum Desire, Deceit, and Death: A Mafia RP (CLOSED//Stalkers welcome)

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(I'll get my boy up ASAP! It might end up being tomorrow, though, so if y'all don't want to wait feel free to start it and I'll just post when it's ready, if that's alright ^^)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(Sylvya calmed herself, hugging Stella. "I love you" she whispered. She let Stella go, waiting to see if anyone would come talk to her.

Stella fluttered over to the other winged people (person? I forgot how many had wings-)) and buzzed happily, pointing at their wings and smiling.)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Name: Lilian "Lili" Siderfell
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bi
General appearance: dark skin, green eyes, long black curly hair. Dresses inconspicuously.
Personality: mostly untrusting, stoic, close to few.
Backstory: born into the Mafia, she's been desperate for freedom, she's been faking loyalty until she can find a chance to escape.
Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here: none


@Tired-but-passionate Would it be ok if Dove and Arrow were kind of friends? Arrow is essentially the leader and Dove's family was a pretty big influence/remains a big influence in the gang.

Also, does anyone have any specific ideas on how they want this to go? I know the last version didn't but it might be easier to RP if we had some ideas.


(WARNING!! Codi's backstory contains mentions of torture. Nothing explicitly graphic, but there are some uncomfy descriptions. If anyone here is worried about reading it, or the possibility of it surfacing as a discussion in this roleplay, please let me know now and I'll edit it ASAP. For the time being I will mark when the descriptions start and end so it can be skipped over!!)

NAME: Codi “Haystack” Bosey (bow-see)
AGE: 27
SEXUALITY: Bisexual Disaster
GENERAL APPEARANCE: 5'9", white, green eyes, short curly black hair that covers his right eye. Prefers the dressed down side of business casual. Burn scarring on the lower portion of his face and down his neck, though the latter is largely concealed beneath a tattoo of a Death's Head moth. Often wears a face mask to hide the rest.

Codi doesn't remember much of his early childhood. From what his caregiver, Martha, told him, he was discovered hiding in the haystacks of a rural hideout and thenceforth adopted into the mafia that found him. No one knows quite how Codi ended up there, who his parents are, or even why he was there in the first place, but rumors of the haystack boy quickly spread.

The consigliere, in particular, swiftly took interest. To him, young Codi was an opportunity. He could be groomed into a perfect little soldier for the mafia—and perfect little soldier he was.


For the one thing Codi never seemed to learn, in spite of all his physical talent, was how to obey orders. It was a mistake that would cost him dearly.

On a visit to the very same rural hideout Codi was first found, the young teen disregarded orders to stay put in favor of investigating the haystacks he had apparently come from. He did not realize until far too late that the meeting taking place was just on the other side of the wall. Instead of sneaking away, Codi did something foolish. He crept closer to hear what words were exchanged, and in the process tipped over a bucket full of tools.

For the second time in his life, Codi was discovered hiding in the haystacks. The first time around he was welcomed with open arms. The second time, he was not so lucky.

The consigliere's punishment for eavesdropping on such sensitive matters was severe. It far exceeded the boundaries of any proper discipline—it was torture.


Codi had sodium hydroxide poured down his throat, inciting second degree burns in his mouth and esophagus. It burned the very tastebuds off of his tongue and left lasting damage on his face when he tried to pull away. Worst of all it fully paralyzed his vocal cords, rendering him forever mute.

Were it not for the quick action of his caregiver, Codi surely would have died that day. As it was, her experience with this kind of torture provided her with the means to neutralize the poison until they could hand him over to the professionals. Slowly, he began to heal.


It's been over a decade since that day, but Codi has never forgotten it. How could he? It haunts every thought he'll never get to vocalize, every reflection of his scarred face. At times the thought of giving up was tempting, but one thing has kept him going.


It's what has led him to this very moment, on the run from the mafia after his betrayal was discovered. He's hardly about to stick around for another punishment.

PERSONALITY: Very Type B. Codi is an extroverted introvert with the ability to blend in with most other extroverts on a dime. Despite his inability to voice his thoughts aloud, Codi is very chatty. A combination of sign language, body language, and hastily scribbled notes gives him everything he needs to make friends. Not to mention convey his sass, which is unmatched.

In spite of his traumatic upbringing, or perhaps because of it, Codi tries his best to remain bubbly and energetic. He's not optimistic, exactly, but he refuses to give up hope even if he has to cling to it with bloody fingernails.

// Codi has a whole tattoo sleeve on his right arm. The most painful, however, was the Death's Head moth tattoo on his neck.
// Absolutely despises when people mispronounce his last name as "Bossy"—perhaps because it's often true.
// Though he's someone who has to write to communicate often, his handwriting is just shy of atrocious. He has to slow down and deliberately pen the words for it to be legible. He's waiting on a soulmate who can simply read his mind—or at least his messiest handwriting.

// Codi suffers many health complications from the punishment the lovely consigliere gave him as a teen, including asthma, recurring esophageal strictures, and chronic pain. He has no sense of taste and difficulty swallowing to boot.
// Fun fact! The poison he unwillingly drank, sodium hydroxide, is also known as "lye" or "caustic soda". It's used to make soap, pretzels, chocolate, and it's also present in cleaning products such as those made for blocked drains. Do not touch it, do not drink it. Bad things will happen.

Let me know if there's anything I should change!!


I'm so happy to hear it!!! And yes, he does! It would be SO cool for Cade to also know it!!


@Tired-but-passionate Would it be ok if Dove and Arrow were kind of friends? Arrow is essentially the leader and Dove's family was a pretty big influence/remains a big influence in the gang.

Also, does anyone have any specific ideas on how they want this to go? I know the last version didn't but it might be easier to RP if we had some ideas.

I like that, I think they could have a fun dynamic. Also I’m not sure, but since I still have Arabelle’s bit about the Volpi it might be interesting if they come in and complicate things? I’m also planning for Arabelle’s “madness” kind of deal to come out and she kinda goes into a spiral


(I mean with Dove's whole thing about loyalty, she might think Arabelle to be a traitor in that event)

(Alright! If someone wants to start that would be awesome but if not then I can post one tomorrow probably. I've posted starters for like 3-4 Rps today and I don't have the brain cells to develop a starter)