forum Desire, Deceit, and Death: A Mafia RP (CLOSED//Stalkers welcome)

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Grabbing the files, it didn't take long for emotions to make their way onto Dove's face. She grit her teeth and let her eyes drift along the lines of information. Emrys had quite a file where as Bosey's was lacking in a few aspects. Dove clenched her eyes shut as she took a few breaths then opened the again.

"What was his last mission? I seem to recall him needing quite a few trips to the weapons room as he stocked up for whatever his mission was. I know Bosey is on guard duty right now, let's go get him!" She slid the files back onto Arabelle's desk and jumped up.

"I'm asking a few of the background members to come to your office to help get a mission ready. Dove opened her phone and texted a few contacts to come to the office on the third floor. She started walking back and forth in the office and chewed her lip as she muttered to herself.

She didn't like to show anything about herself to the members of the gang, but while they didn't know her, they knew of her. They knew of her stance on loyalty and the newer members chose to keep quiet around her out of fear that something say may be taken as disloyalty.


(Dove's out of sight of the door, lounging on a chair in the room when she grabbed the files and read them. Loyalty is a huge part of her personality and so hearing this draws her focus onto the situation. Arabella would most likely see Lili walking by based on her position.)


(Honestly I thought the door was firmly closed or even just slightly cracked. I don’t know why Dove would leave the door open in the first place tbh)


(Maybe I’m just thinking about this too specifically, but I’m not sure how Lili would be able to see the files without the door being wide enough to be noticed)


(I don't think I said that the door was opened. I'm assuming that a senior gang member would have the basic know-how to shut the door behind them? And it's the leaders office, I honestly assumed that it was either a large fancy office where the door is far from the desk or that it's soundproof)


(Yeah, I don’t remember seeing any responses that said Lili left the computers. I’m sorry Avhira, but I either I’m confused or your response for Lili just doesn’t make sense)


Grabbing the files, it didn't take long for emotions to make their way onto Dove's face. She grit her teeth and let her eyes drift along the lines of information. Emrys had quite a file where as Bosey's was lacking in a few aspects. Dove clenched her eyes shut as she took a few breaths then opened the again.

"What was his last mission? I seem to recall him needing quite a few trips to the weapons room as he stocked up for whatever his mission was. I know Bosey is on guard duty right now, let's go get him!" She slid the files back onto Arabelle's desk and jumped up.

"I'm asking a few of the background members to come to your office to help get a mission ready. Dove opened her phone and texted a few contacts to come to the office on the third floor. She started walking back and forth in the office and chewed her lip as she muttered to herself.

She didn't like to show anything about herself to the members of the gang, but while they didn't know her, they knew of her. They knew of her stance on loyalty and the newer members chose to keep quiet around her out of fear that something say may be taken as disloyalty.

Arabelle watched her, her brows furrowed. “Dove.” Her voice was firm. “I know I said this needs to be taken care of quickly, but that doesn’t mean we should be rash.”
She had been about to continue, but the sound of footsteps caught her attention. She glanced towards the door and stood up. “Quiet.” She lowered her voice. “We need a plan above all else. Don’t want to cause a fuss.”

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Lili stood there, waiting for Arabelle to be done with whatever meeting she was in at the time. The door would be open if Arabelle was free, and Lili could wait. She needed to find out if the whispers about finding traitors were true, and if she or Rai was among them. She was probably safe, but Rai might not be. And those two others she was keeping track of, Cade and Codi. She might need to switch who she was helping, at least for a bit.


With Arabelle's sudden change in demeanour, Dove stiffened and glanced at the door. "I understand that but you have to admit, we will need some form of help. I'm good with my hands but not as much with my mind. If we have Emrys and Bosey on the run, chances are they may have someone else on the inside helping them out." She spoke in a quiet tone and leaned on Arabelle's desk. "This will allow us to keep an eye on the strongest in the team and make an example for anyone of them who may be plotting something similar."


(I'm sorry, it's been an unimaginably horrendous week. I'll respond as soon as I can.)


(Unfortunately it's one of those things that only time can fix, but I'm taking it one day at a time. Distractions are welcome, though, and thank you both for the good wishes. I'll get my response up today!)


The fact that Codi immediately signed a warning made Cade hesitate. His wariness further diminished when the other male signed that they were similar. Cade relaxed slightly.

'Where is it? How can we get there?' Cade signed, relaxing his hand movements a tad. Although he had known Codi for some time now, there was always a chance that this person could turn on him. Cade didn't want to take any chances. He knew that Codi was trustworthy so long as they were on the same side, it was part of the reason why Cade had revealed that he knew how to sign, he knew how many of the others viewed Codi and thought that it would be a great way to speak without speaking.

Cade waited for Codi to respond and thought about his life in the gang. It had been some years and so much had happened. Cade knew that with how much history was between him and the gang, the chances of survival were diminishing the longer he stood there pondering.

'Guarantee that its safe and we can leave tonight.' he signed.

'Eastern side of the city, close to the docks,' Codi answered, relieved to find Arcade was listening to him. It would have been…unfortunate, if Codi had taken such a risk only to be spurned, or even worse, turned on.

He had always enjoyed the term, "thick as thieves," but the truth of the matter was that traitors such as himself were not particularly well known for loyalty. Given, too, his inclination to overthink situations, the possibility of Arcade interpreting his warning as a confession and turning him in to appease the higher-ups had crossed his mind more than once. People were unpredictable when their lives were in danger, and Codi was not yet familiar enough with the man in front of him to know whether he was a fighter or a coward. He had placed his bets on the former, but to say he implicitly trusted him… Well, that would make him a fool.

Fortunately, it seemed his gamble was paying off. Cade was a fighter, alright. Now Codi just had to figure out for whom, the other boy was fighting for.

'But first things first.'

He motioned for Arcade to follow his lead, then dipped into the shadows between store fronts where there was no chance of CCTV snagging their image. He continued to face away from the street, nearly crammed into the other boy's side from how narrow the alley was, and quickly signed, 'The safe house is actually to the North, in the Lions district.'

The rival gang was still up and coming, a smaller group than Rabbia but just brazen and stupid enough to mean trouble to even a senior gang if they went poking their noses into Lion territory.

'Rabbia will look East, which will buy us more time. I will give you the address,' at this he looked right at Arcade. 'It will be too suspicious if I disappear in the middle of an assignment. They'll hunt us immediately. I'll catch up tonight, instead.'

He wasn't entirely sure Rabbia knew about him, anyways, and from the sound of things, Arcade here was the priority.

Codi eyed the brick walls and reached a hand out, dusting the surface before closing his hand into a fist and tapping out an elaborate knock. 'This sound means it is me.'

Having said everything he came to, he paused and glanced back at the other traitor to gauge his reaction. Would Arcade trust him on this?