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    Invited over 6 years ago

This universe contains...
14 characters reorder
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group Orthilia of the Woeful Creek Orthilia is the queen of Tidia and the mother of Theodore.
group Ulrich Convallaria
group Willow Convallaria
group Thaddeus lll Convallaria Thaddeus lll is the present king of Tidia and the father of Theodore.
group Astraios Westwood Astraios Westwood is a local legend, and the legend is nowhere near heroic. The rumor is that Ace sold his soul after the great war (The Carnage), because the man hasn't aged a day since then. ...
group Theodore Convallaria Theo is one of the main characters of the story. He's the second oldest son of the royal Convallaria family, and when his brother suddenly passes away it dawns to him that he's supposed to inhe...
group Jack True One of the three main characters. He's an apprentice of a blacksmith/herb dude called Astraios, who is hunted by both rumors and secrets. He gets involved through his and Theo's fateful enc...
group Medeia ? Medeia is a powerful female mage from the woods, who later comes forward with information. She used to be involved with Astraios in the past. Medeia is the reincarnated "evil mage" from the ...
group Jacelyn Convallaria Jacelyn is the oldest daughter of the royal Convallaria family. She is assassinated along with the other family, when she comes to the castle for her brother's funeral service. Jacelyn's hu...
group Fredrick Convallaria Fredrick Convallaria was the oldest child of the king Thaddeus lll and the queen Orthilia. This made him the crown prince, a responsibility that he took with utmost respect. Fredrick is nearly ...
group Waylon Ross Is the one who plots the assasination of the royal family.
group Eli Ithric Eli makes a brief appearance long before his importance to the story line gets solid. He's a supporter of the Convallaria monarchy, and sides with them in the war. He works as a field medic, ...
group Ekhion Yadier Ekhion is a leader of the chosen leader of one of the most powerful werewolf clans in the world. The main characters come across his residence sooner or later, and try to create an alliance wit...
group Bellarofon Wisteria She's the bastard of the King's sister, but it's not common knowledge. She was raised inside the castle, close to the royal family. She became training to become a royal guard, and she finally ...

This universe was created by Iida-Sofia Väkiparta on with 2 contributors.

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