info Overview
Name - What is Bellarofon Wisteria’s full name?

Bellarofon Wisteria

Age - How old is Bellarofon Wisteria?

26 years old

Gender - What is Bellarofon Wisteria’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Bellarofon Wisteria go by?

Purple cloak

The royal guard

Queen of Tidia

Role - What is Bellarofon Wisteria’s role in your story?

She's the bastard of the King's sister, but it's not common knowledge.

She was raised inside the castle, close to the royal family. She became training to become a royal guard, and she finally achieved the title at the age of 19.

When the tragedy shakes the kingdom of Tidia, the king himself sends Bell off to search for the missing prince. It becomes her mission, to which she's dedicated to.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Bellarofon Wisteria weigh?

78 kg / 171 pounds

Height - How tall is Bellarofon Wisteria?

174.5 cm / 5"8

Hair Color - What color is Bellarofon Wisteria’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Bellarofon Wisteria style their hair?

She has naturally curly, thick hair, that she sometimes braids but it's usually open. It barely passes her shoulders.

Eye Color - What is Bellarofon Wisteria’s eye color?

Dark brown

Race - What is Bellarofon Wisteria’s race?


Skin Tone

Quite dark

Body Type

Bellarofon is athletic due to her career in the royal knights; she has strong legs and a slightly muscular upper body.

Bellarofon also has wide hips, flat chest, somewhat wide shoulders and

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Bellarofon Wisteria have?

A scar runs over her left brow, leaving a small gap in the brow where no hair grows.

Bell also likes to line her eyes with a piece of coal.

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This character was created by Iida-Sofia Väkiparta on

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