info Overview
Name - What is Jack True’s full name?

Jack True

Age - How old is Jack True?

23 years old

Gender - What is Jack True’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Jack True go by?

The apprentice

The miner's son

Role - What is Jack True’s role in your story?

One of the three main characters.

He's an apprentice of a blacksmith/herb dude called Astraios, who is hunted by both rumors and secrets.

He gets involved through his and Theo's fateful encounter at the inn. He meets Bell after they leave the residence, heading for the capital.

Jackc grows a character throughout the story; he becomes a skilled fighter who sides with the monarchy and becomes a royal knight.
He also falls for the troubled princeling, who he has decided to help as much as he can.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Jack True weigh?

89 kg

Height - How tall is Jack True?

185 cm

Hair Color - What color is Jack True’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jack True style their hair?

His thick black hair is cut just above his shoulders. It's naturally curly, so the tips of the cut hair curl up towards the sky.
He has bangs that cross his forehead, curling to the right side of his face.

Later during the story, Jack cuts his hair very short. The natural curls take over, curling wildly over his head. The hair is a bit longer on top, giving more texture and falling in small curls over his forehead.

Eye Color - What is Jack True’s eye color?

Gray as winter slosh

Race - What is Jack True’s race?


Skin Tone

White, tan

Body Type

Jean has a quite masculine frame; broad shoulders, strong arms, muscular back and a somewhat toned stomach.

He has a strong, angular jawline and a wide chin. His nose is long, and there's a slight bump on it.
His cheekbones are sharp, and his cheeks just slightly hollow - giving his face even more masculine angles.

His eyes are big.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jack True have?

Jean has a lot of moles all over his body. There are two on his left arm, that resemble a sneak bite. Then he has on of his chin just below his lips.

Jean also has dimples.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Jack True have?

Jack loves stargazing. He doesn’t really know much about the stars, but he finds it calming. When he travelled with Bell and Theo this habit of his grew even more dear to him.

Jack likes to braid hair. He also likes to shamelessly stare at Theo, whenever the man is not aware. Nothing goes unnoticed by Bell, though.

Talents - What talents does Jack True have?

Jack knows a couple of ‘magic tricks’ with coins.

Jack knows how to run a house. So he has some valuable everyday skills that Bell and Theo, who have been raised in a castle, don’t have. However, their knowledge on other things, like diplomatics, are far more superior than his.

Knows a little about herbs from Astraios.

Personality type - What personality type is Jack True?

Friendly by nature.

He's very open about himself and his opinions - and he's a true people's person.

Jack tends to be the best listener of the group, his companion being somehow soothing to the worst of atmospheres.

Jack is compassionate, hardworking and loyal to his own principles. He is very emphatic.

Jack likes to tell puns.

Jack can’t handle lying. He also gets very insulted if someone betrays his trust. Jack has a habit of shutting down when that happens.
His favorite (more or less) playful insults include: dimwit and twat

Out of Theo, Bell and Jack - Jack is the least temperamental. Sure, if you know what buttons to push Jack can, and will, get very furious and very fast. But usually Jack is the one with the best people-skills (probably because he's the one who grew up outside of castles) and he has to look after Bell (who will murder you in cold blood) and Theo (who will rip your limbs off).

Flaws - What flaws does Jack True have?

Sometimes it's hard for him to adjust to sudden changes. Jack's way of thinking can be a bit old-fashioned, and he can't always comprehend why doing something differently could be actually the better option.

In a relationship, Jack wants loyalty and trust. He gets quite possessive and hates the selfish jealousy it brings him.

He has an okay memory, but he’s not that good with names. The more “royal” the names get, the more ridiculous learning them become. Lucky for Jack, he’s good with faces.

After he presumes that Theo is dead, Jack's personality takes a sharp turn. He forms a shell around himself, talking as little as possible and avoiding others. On battlefield, he becomes ruthless.

Motivations - What motivates Jack True most?

Love, duty and doing what is right.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jack True have?

Formalities are not Jack's strongest area. He is used to a village life; people know each other well and there’s no need to talk or act formally.

He has a bad habit of staring - which understandably freaks people out.

Although Jack’s people skills seem to get praised a lot, he is kinda awkward at making a good impression. Jack tends to say something completely out of place

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Jack True’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Jack True have?

Jack used to work as an apprentice of Astraios. He started when his mother got sick and he needed herbs from Astraios, but being short in cash, could only offer his two hands and feet.

Later in the story he works for the crown, in the army.

Religion - What religion does Jack True practice?

Jean is agnostic.

Politics - What politics does Jack True have?


Occupation - What is Jack True’s occupation?

He has no actual occupation. He's a blacksmith's apprentice.

Favorite color - What is Jack True’s favorite color?

Auburn red.

Favorite weapon - What is Jack True’s favorite weapon?

Two-handed sword.

info History
Birthday - When is Jack True’s birthday?

In September

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jack True have?

A Norther saw-wheat owl called Ferdmuel.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Jack's development in the story:

Meets Theo, then Bell
Journey to the capital, battle practice

Meeting with the king, decision to join their ranks
Intense training, relationship development
Civil war, kidnapped by the enemy
A new rank
Heartbroken by Theo's presumed death, changes his personality
Theo's return, Jack's conflicted feelings
The king dies
In the end, Jack stays with Theo and the two of them raise the bairn together along with Bell and Eli

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This character was created by Iida-Sofia Väkiparta on

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