info Overview
Name - What is Astraios Westwood’s full name?

Astraios Westwood

Age - How old is Astraios Westwood?

Looks to be in his early 30s, but real age is far older.

Gender - What is Astraios Westwood’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Astraios Westwood go by?


Role - What is Astraios Westwood’s role in your story?

Astraios Westwood is a local legend, and the legend is nowhere near heroic.

The rumor is that Ace sold his soul after the great war (The Carnage), because the man hasn't aged a day since then.
Due to this tale, the villagers avoid him and his house.

There is one man however, Jack True, who seems to be close with Ace. Jack is known to be his apprentice - and later, friend.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Astraios Westwood have?


Height - How tall is Astraios Westwood?


Hair Color - What color is Astraios Westwood’s hair?

Dirty blonde

Hair Style - How does Astraios Westwood style their hair?

Messy short to medium length hair, with a few strands over his forehead.

Eye Color - What is Astraios Westwood’s eye color?


Race - What is Astraios Westwood’s race?

Human (previously), undead ("vampire")

Skin Tone

White, pale

Body Type

Strong build, but not necessary muscular. He used to be more fit when he was in the army.

Somewhat narrow face shape, sharp chin and thin lips. He has a straight nose and large eyes.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Astraios Westwood have?

Plenty of scars - not that those are uncommon in their world.

Scars above wrists; he has attempted taking his life more than once, but it was futile of course.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Astraios Westwood have?

Studying herbs.

Talents - What talents does Astraios Westwood have?

Before the war, Ace was a well-known blacksmith's son, who knew his way with the swords.
He excelled in the war, being a skillful swordsman, but sadly it wasn't enough to stay alive.

Inhuman strength

Prejudices - What prejudices does Astraios Westwood have?

He doesn't want to be involved with magic.

Personality type - What personality type is Astraios Westwood?

Manic-depressive, passive-aggressive, sarcastic.

But also humorous, although you can't really tell if his jabs at you are out of malice or simply good fun.

Flaws - What flaws does Astraios Westwood have?


He has little actual trust left, which is one of the reasons why he decided to go ''protect'' Jack by himself.

Motivations - What motivates Astraios Westwood most?

For a long time, Ace really had no other people in his life and no real obligations.

He decided to continue his father's career as a blacksmith, although none are really too interested in his products.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Astraios Westwood have?

He strokes his own hair when he's stressed out.


Pinching the bridge of his nose in disappointment.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Astraios Westwood’s occupation?


Favorite food - What is Astraios Westwood’s favorite food?

Fresh bread

Favorite possession - What is Astraios Westwood’s favorite possession?

His old sword from the Carnage

Favorite weapon - What is Astraios Westwood’s favorite weapon?

Sword and a shield.

info History
Background - What is Astraios Westwood’s background?

Born as the second son of a local blacksmith, he was taught the secrets of creating a sturdy blade. It was an obvious career choice for the young man, who enjoyed the thrill of fighting and the beauty of creation.

When Ace was in his mid 20s, he met a woman who presented herself as Medeia. Her beauty and knowledge impressed him right away, and Ace was thrilled to find out that Medeia was equally interested in him.

They began seeing each other as a couple, but despite Ace's countless proposals Medeia wouldn't agree to marry him.

Then came the great Carnage and both Ace and his older brother were sent to the war. His brother was killed in battle during the first week, but Ace was a fierce fighter and no one seemed to match his power in the field.

But if Ace could take on ten men by himself, there was the eleventh that was too much.
He was killed by an arrow to his heart.
They later brought his body back to the village in order to bury him, but his lover had something else in her mind. Medeia hadn't been completely honest with her loved one; she was a sorcerer, and by morning Ace was back with the living. As undead. (The spell could be reversed with him dying a similar death again - with something piercing his heart.)

This accident had the opposite effect that Medeia woud have wanted. Instead of being grateful, it turned him against her. And so Ace shunned her away, turning his back to her. (due to Ace's religious beliefs that he felt were violated, he didn't want to be undead.)

Not daring to face his family, Ace went away. Later he head how a blight had overcome his home village, killing over half of the population, including his parents.

Ace moves further away from the village and into the forest, where he brews medical potions and studies herbology in peace. People are scared of him, which means he gets to be alone for most of the time.

Years pass and he meets Jack True - a young man whose looking for herbs for his ill mother. They're short in money, so they make a deal - Jack can work for him and he'd brew something for his mother.
Despite their efforts, the herbs only slow down the inevitable. After Jack's mother dies, Ace says that Jack is welcome to stay if he wishes. And he does.

After years of working together, the events of the story take place and suddenly Jack doesn't return from his delivery mission like he should. Ace waits patiently, until he finally hears from him, receiving a brief explanation. He knows things are about to go South, but he also understands that Jack's situation is complicated.

Still, it's not enough to drive him away from the place he calls home. Instead he keeps writing letters, wishing to be updated.

Time passes and eventually Ace learns about Theo's relationship with Jack. It disappoints him, because although Ace was never meant to admit it to Jack, his feelings for him were far beyond platonic. Ace never thought they would become more, his self-hate alone would stop it from ever happening. And once again, it would be unnatural and Jack would deserve better.

Things escalate to the point where Ace feels like it's time to do his part, joining the forces - and Jack.
When he makes it to the camps (?), the situation is much worse than he expected. During his short stay he decides that there's something he can do, something to help, but more importantly something he can do to save Jack (who would be storming into his own death due to the new rank). So Ace takes on a battle that's far too big for him, hopeless. But in a way he's okay with that, he embraces death, although for the first time ever he feels like he will miss something. In his mind, he accepts that he loves Jack, right before he dies.

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This character was created by Iida-Sofia Väkiparta on

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