info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Arkadia?

High fantasy

book History
History - What is Arkadia’s history?

Major plot spoilers ahead!
The name 'Arkadia' is misleading. Arkadia is not the universe, or the planet or even the title. Arkadia is the kingdom. or rather, both of them. The story, beginning with 'Of Stars and Gentle Deaths', takes place on two seperate worlds, mirrors of each other and existing simultaneously. They are called Istuvia and Khantis, and they both have a kingdom of Arkadia both of which are very similar, yet different. For example, Istuvia has the Black Magi, and order of magic users consisting entirely of women garbed in black. Khantis, however, has the White Magi, a similar order composed entirely of men, garbed in white.
These two worlds are both looked over by the same gods however. There are thirteen of them: Talnai, Liliaeth, Filorin, Neiha, Fyrdiese, Tylus, Myvekim, Roni, Myria, Tukos, Viathyrda, Kagnus, and Siatha. They exist in a space in between the two worlds. Once human, their godhood came from their residence in this place. Just as a persons actions influence the world around them, it influences this space as well. However, since a persons influence on the world is almost completely insignificant compared to the size of their world, their effect on the in-between place is almost unnoticeable. But compared to in between world, the gods are significantly larger, and thus, their influence over the two worlds is much greater, to the point where it is reasonable to call them gods.
The story of Arkadia revolves around two girls: Eloise and Viratheya. Both are unique in that they exist in both worlds. Eloise is awake and lives in Istuvia, she has a body that is sleeping in the catacombs beneath the royal palace in Khantis. Similarly, whilst she has lived her entire life in Khantis, Vira has a body beneath the palace in Istuvia. Neither of the girls know this, however. In fact, no one on either world knows of the existence of the other. The story begins when Vira and Eloise begin to have shared dreams, in which they can speak to each other, but they naturally assume they they live in the same world, seeing as they both live in a city called Kydestra in the kingdom of Arkadian.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Arkadia?

there are many different types of magic, from priests to mages to witches and artificers,

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Arkadia?

mostly medieval, with some magical devices floating around, especially in Elosthera and Kydestra.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
22 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Lilaeth Lady of Night and Gentle Deaths
group Roni God of the Moon, Returning travellers.
group Viratheya Protagonist of Khantis
group Eloise Vynaris Protagonist of Istuvia
group Talnai Lord of Day and Life
group Kagnus God of War, Weapons, Violent Deaths
group Myria Goddess of Stars, Departing Travellers
group Berkon Priest of Fyrdiese in (the antagonists)
group Ilvana Vynaris Queen of Arkadia (Istuvia)
group Filorin God of Pure Waters
group Neiha Great Serpent of the Seas
group Kaisé High matron of the Black Magi
group Tukos God of the Hunt and Animals.
group Viathyrda Goddess of Twilight, Choice and Change
group Fyrdiese God of Thieves, Liars, Mischief, and Seduction.
group Tylus God of the Earth, Blacksmiths, Metals and Miners
group Siatha The Watcher Goddess, Goddess of mysteries and the unnamed
group Myvekim God of Fortune, Wealth, and Merchants
group Aethia Lover of Kaisé, and high ranking witch.
group Othis Leader of the White Magi
group Athill Leader of the Sanguine Heart
group Duscevi Mora Leader of the Black Waters gang

8 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Nieha The Serpent of the seas
brightness_7 The Twins Roni and Myria
brightness_7 Fyrdiese Godess of Theives, Liars, Mischief and Seduction
brightness_7 Tylus God of the Earth, Blacksmiths, Metals and Miners
brightness_7 Lilaeth The Lady of Night and Death
brightness_7 Siatha The Watcher Goddess, Goddess of mysteries and the unnamed.
brightness_7 Talnai The Lord of Day and Life
brightness_7 Filorin God of Pure waters

6 scenes reorder
local_movies Scenes close
local_movies Falling silences
local_movies The awakening.
local_movies 1) Vira scares a crime boss Vira uses her skills in witchcraft to scare a crime boss into stopping business with one of his clients, for unknown reasons.
local_movies 2) Vira returns to base Vira travels across the rooftops to the Sanguine Heart's base, and makes her report to the boss. she then asks to see her brother and has a nice warm moment with him. as she's leaving, she see's th...
local_movies 3) Dream chatting Vira and Eloise see each other in their dreams for the first time. they are both confused and neither realises whats happening before they wake up
local_movies Big bad tortures protag 1

1 town reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Kydestra Capital city of Arkadia

This universe was created by Daniel Jacob on

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