info Overview
Name - What is Lilaeth’s full name?


Gender - What is Lilaeth’s gender?


Role - What is Lilaeth’s role in your story?

Lady of Night and Gentle Deaths

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Lilaeth’s hair?

Midnight Black

Hair Style - How does Lilaeth style their hair?

Loose, flowing.

Eye Color - What is Lilaeth’s eye color?

solid black, no whites at all.

Race - What is Lilaeth’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale, almost sickly

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lilaeth have?

Always wears a black silk veil.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Lilaeth have?

She sometimes thinks of herself as cursed, or just plain evil, for what she does, despite not having a choice.

Personality type - What personality type is Lilaeth?

Kind, gentle, caring, motherly. regrets every life she takes and mourns them all.

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info History
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history Changelog
edit Notes
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Everyone is respectful and deferential to her. She loves her sister dearly, despite their differences. Loves her husband unconditionally. She knows how Filorin feels about her but doesn't do anything to stop it, thinking it justified.

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This character was created by Daniel Jacob on

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