info Overview
Name - What is Viathyrda’s full name?


Gender - What is Viathyrda’s gender?


Role - What is Viathyrda’s role in your story?

Goddess of Twilight, Choice and Change

face Looks
Body Type

tall, willowy

Hair Color - What color is Viathyrda’s hair?

Honey blonde

Hair Style - How does Viathyrda style their hair?

long, loose, flowing.

Eye Color - What is Viathyrda’s eye color?

golden, amber coloured, with violet specks.

Race - What is Viathyrda’s race?


Skin Tone

well tanned

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Viathyrda most?

Prefers peace amongst the gods and tries her best to maintain it. Also prefers not to heavily influence to mortal world, which occasionally puts her at odds with Myria.

Personality type - What personality type is Viathyrda?

Very much an older sister to Tukos and Kagnus. She's very caring and protective, though they don't particularly need it.

groups Social
info History
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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Social

Acts as a peacemaker and intermediary between conflicting gods, particularly Fyrdiese and Tylus.

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Viathyrda

Character chevron_right Children link linked Viathyrda

This character was created by Daniel Jacob on

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