info Overview
Name - What is Filorin's name?


Description - How is Filorin usually described?

God of Pure waters

import_contacts History
forum Beliefs
Teachings - What values does Filorin teach?

Associated with purity, cleanliness and healing.

Places of worship - Where does Filorin worship happen?

Kydestra, Elosthera, the house of the gods.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with Filorin?

They provide all of the fresh drinking water for Kydestra and Elosthera. Water drawn from shrines to him is always fresh and pure. each shrine requires a priest to maintain

Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Filorin?

Priests are trained as physica's, and tend to the sick, for a price. In times of plague they also take the role of plague doctors, quarantining entire sections cities.

account_balance Traditions
Initiation process - What does the Filorin initiation process entail?

must be at least familiar with the healing arts.

location_on Spread
history Changelog
edit Notes

This religion was created by Daniel Jacob on

See more from Daniel Jacob
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