info Overview
Name - What is Siatha's name?


Description - How is Siatha usually described?

The Watcher Goddess, Goddess of mysteries and the unnamed.

import_contacts History
forum Beliefs
Teachings - What values does Siatha teach?

does not teach anything at all. does not watch over anyone, merely watch them.

Places of worship - Where does Siatha worship happen?

The house of the gods, a small shrine in Elosthera, nothing in Kydestra.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with Siatha?

Nothing. Her priests and priestesses do not recieve any boon from her. she does not interfere. they can offer blessings and assistance, and that is all.

Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Siatha?

Nothing. But some say the followers are Siatha's eyes and ears, that she see's all they do. others sa she sees all anyways.

account_balance Traditions
Initiation process - What does the Siatha initiation process entail?

unknown. it is a mystery, just like its goddess.

location_on Spread
history Changelog
edit Notes

Orphans will often pray to her.


This religion was created by Daniel Jacob on

See more from Daniel Jacob
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