info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Fixianor?

A large, dangerous expanse full of surreal, magical creatures who have... Not the nicest intentions. Consisting of Mainland Fixianor and Fixianor Space, the many denizens of Fixianor's vast territory are all different and unique in their own, strange ways, even if they don't necessarily get along. Danger is upon this world: In the form of two warring space kings, a secret scientific plot, an escaped sentient lab weapon, a slowly weakening curse, and a radioactive bomb.

Genre - What genre best describes Fixianor?

Dark fantasy

date_range History
Origin - How did Fixianor originate?

Fixianor was brought into existence by the Goddess Itomori, a being birthed by the natural lifecycle of a star, only this star came alive, with powers to accompany her. Itomori created herself a child: Evermore, and their dream together was to create the perfect world they could watch over, together, in harmony. But Evermore defied Itomori's way: Destroying their in-progress work in a fit of boredom, after all, there wasn't much to do in Space back then.

Angry and distraught that Evermore had undone all of the hard work they'd made together, a curse was bestowed upon her, to become the core which would hold their precious project together, never to awake again.

With magic, love and passion Fixianor was birthed: Among with its first residents, the sentient races of today, alongside the fauna which populate the many planets within the world's auxiliary.

History - What is Fixianor’s history?

Oh god do you seriously expect me to write all of this down lmao

Uhh wip but basically Denali and Sunny (the two rulers of Fixianor Space) hate each other and Antares (Sunny's heir) goes to Mainland to hunt down her best friend

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Fixianor?

They don't exist /j /lh

Okay but in all seriousness I tried to make this universe as physically accurate as possible despite, magic being a thing lmfao. I've yet to still figure everything out but for the meantime here's this ig aaa.

There's very little gravity in Fixianor Space (no shit) but the regular amount (Earth amount) on Mainland. Other planets have different gravitational forces but the ones that have been inhabited are also usually Earth level as well

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Fixianor?

Magic is a very prominent thing in Fixianor, every sentient race has it in their bodies, and they can manipulate it as they please, though it comes in different kinds.

Magical Alignments are the primary magic source of every creature that resides in Fixianor, being split into 11, formerly 12, elements that any creature can inhabit, being passed on via genes. There are three types of Alignments as a whole: Pure, Dual and Hybrid. The Magical Alignments were created, and are powered, by the Elemental Spirits of Fixianor Space, which in turn were created by the Wardens, the children of Itomori, as many call them. While Star Guardians, Deities, as well as most other Fixianor creatures can wield every alignment, some species do not have the capabilities of all Alignments, and are only assigned to the sentient races of Fixianor.

The Magical Alignments of Fixianor are:
- Fire
- Water
- Nature
- Earth
- Ice
- Wind
- Electricity
- Light
- Dark
- Poison
- Plasma

There are three kinds of Aligned creatures, Pure Aligned, Dual Aligned, and Hybrid Aligned. Pure Aligned creatures only have one Alignment from the list, whilst Dual Aligned creatures have two. Only two Alignments can be wielded at most. Hybrid Alignments are strange, however. They are caused by genetic faults, causing two Alignments that the creature should wield and merging them into a single, completely new Alignment. E.g: Crystal, Steam.

There was formerly Arcane, but that Alignment was since wiped out ever since the Spirit which was tied to that magic died.

Enchantments are also a thing on Fixianor, and are used frequently to make life easier for the creatures in their communities. Whether it be for storage, easier access to certain areas, or to bend the laws of reality slightly. They are a very common thing, especially in the likes of Fixianor Space.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Fixianor?

Technology is at different levels, depending on wherever a creature lives. On Mainland Fixianor, it is progressing, boats exist and planes are just being discovered, and some devices to exist, albeit in less developed ways.

However, in Fixianor Space, technology is much more advanced. Devices come in much more developed shapes, such as IPads or Computers. Space shuttles are the equivalent of Planes: Used to travel quicker and safer to planets in Space. Boats exist, as well as rollercoasters and other thrill rides. Television and Radio Stations are prominent in Fixianor Space.

edit Notes

This universe was created by Antares 💫 on

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