info Overview
Name - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s full name?

Denali Derision Lightbright

Role - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Denali Derision Lightbright go by?

The Deity King, The Head Deity, Hell's Advocate, Nala, The Bringer of Despair, The Star Guardian Shredder, The Angel of Darkness, The Poison Demon

Gender - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s gender?


Age - How old is Denali Derision Lightbright?

220 chronologically, a young adult physically

face Looks
Height - How tall is Denali Derision Lightbright?


Hair Color - What color is Denali Derision Lightbright’s hair?

Purple and Blue, with some white sparkles

Hair Style - How does Denali Derision Lightbright style their hair?

Curled, but will sometimes rarely wear his hair in braids or possibly even straightened

Eye Color - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s eye color?

Teal, as well as orange

Race - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s race?


Skin Tone

Orangish tan, brown, cream

Body Type

Unhealthily thin and frail, ribs are showing due to starvation but hides this with his underbelly fur. Lacking a lot of the muscles he used to sport in his prime

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Denali Derision Lightbright have?

Thick, large mane of fur, diamond patterns scattered all across body, rose-themed attire and piercing duotone eyes which seem to look right through you.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Denali Derision Lightbright have?

Very unkind and looks down upon most others, even those of higher-class. Likes to make it clear that he is in charge and is very violent towards those he dislikes or those who even set him off, unfriendly and abrasive to most. Not sophisticated at all, snappy with a short temper, uses a lot of foul language often too. Untrusting and weary of other Dragons, even disgusted by them in ways.

Motivations - What motivates Denali Derision Lightbright most?

Does care about the safety, and power, of his Kingdom. He will do anything to make sure his Kingdoms reputation and dignity is retained, as well as his own fearsome image, hates the thought of being seen as weak, even though he secretly is. Does actually like the environment and animals, will go out of his way to conserve such things, but dislikes to talk much about it.

Flaws - What flaws does Denali Derision Lightbright have?

Hides most of his issues from others and will avoid most questions pertaining to his past, very secretive. Will not allow others near him, or even to touch him, being very touch and affection starved in nature, doesn't want the 'sickly germs' of other beings on his scales. Takes a lot of things others say seriously and isn't very good at taking jokes, starving himself due to his father's constant criticism of his weight. Won't open up to or trust others easily.

Talents - What talents does Denali Derision Lightbright have?

Very skilled in painting, drawing and writing, also has a fondness for gardening and taking care of animals, has a few exotic pets and a rather exotic garden of his own in his Palace. Also good at scaring others and battling, funnily enough.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Denali Derision Lightbright have?

Drawing, painting, gardening, travelling, admiring nature, battle training, harming himself, destroying things, writing, reading

Personality type - What personality type is Denali Derision Lightbright?

Chaotic Impure, ISTJ, introverted and violent


Suffers from an eating disorder caused by his father's constant criticism of his weight during his childhood and current times. Very thin and unhealthy due to this, but refuses to get help and believes that he can survive through the starvation, though he's starting to struggle to even walk.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Denali Derision Lightbright practice?

Atheist, but will still say words such as 'Oh my god' or 'thank god' despite not being religious.

Politics - What politics does Denali Derision Lightbright have?

Doesn't listen to other's opinions as much and will do his own thing, but does take the safety of his Kingdom in consideration. Doesn't care much about a lot of crimes, however, and the rules of his Kingdom are a tad bit looser than the likes of Sunny's realm.

Occupation - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s occupation?

The king of Outer Fixianor Space and the entire Deity species

Favorite color - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s favorite color?

Indigo and yellow

Favorite food - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s favorite food?

Tomato soup, before he started to resent eating. Disliked seafood and a lot of meats

Favorite possession - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s favorite possession?

His crown, as well as all of the strange objects he stores in his underground vault. Currently in possession of the Double Dare, a very powerful nuclear weapon which was originally manufactured in Sunny's lab

Favorite weapon - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s favorite weapon?

His magic, as well as poison and claws. Doesn't tend to use actual weapons as much, but does intend to blow up the Double Dare on Sunny's Palace someday

Favorite animal - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s favorite animal?

Black cats

Job - What job does Denali Derision Lightbright have?

Formerly an assistant at a daycare, taking care of young Deities, but was forced to quit this job in order to attend mandatory Deity leader training.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Denali Derision Lightbright’s birthday?


Education - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s level of education?

Graduated from Deity training

Background - What is Denali Derision Lightbright’s background?

When Denali was born, he was destined to die. His father had ordered him dead as soon as he came into the world, being protected by his mother, who genuinely loved him. Despite this, however, Denali was under the usual birthweight of a Deity child, not to mention he was very weak, he fell into a coma as early as a few minutes old. The doctors that were present with the queen at the time had informed her that he was most likely going to die anyways, he was too sick to survive, leaving his mother distraught, while his father celebrated.

He was ordered to intensive care in the Medical Wing, where he remained, his mother visiting him every chance she got. As time passed, however, his condition only got worse, and he was set to die just before his and Dashiell, his twin sister and the favourite child,'s first birthday.

However, a miracle happened. Instead of dying before his 1st birthday, he awoke from his coma, the first thing he saw being his mother's gleeful face and the doctors that were taking care of him whilst he was asleep. That didn't mean he was cured of his weakness, however, he had to take medication every few hours and use a breathing tube to assist with taking even the littlest of breaths in order to support his fragile body.

Denali's father, Abiri, however, was outraged by his awakening, and did his best to make his life a misery, even trying to kill him by disconnecting his breathing tubes, though Alexia, the prince's mother, was usually there in order to help him in time.

His mother was pretty much the only one Denali could trust, as his father, as well as sister, frightened him. He resented his sister for being more favoured than him and would often attack her any chance he got, something he never really grew out of, and he did his best to avoid his father at all costs. He gained a temper as he grew, and taught himself to do things as a child that most wouldn't learn to do until their late teens/early adulthood.

His first two years felt like 100, being tormented by his father, as well as few workers that his father had ordered to mistreat him. All of this caused Denali to turn into a quiet child, with a silent flame of anger inside of him that grew day by day. His mother grew more desperate, too, having to save Denali from being executed constantly, while begging for Abiri to stop, though her efforts were usually in vain. This led for Alexia to leave the Palace a lot with Denali to stay over at other planets. Alexia had thought of leaving permanently with Denali to live somewhere else, though she was also scared of what Abiri would do, and what would become of her and her son.

Upon turning 3, he became strong enough to breathe on his own without a machine, though he still needed the medication and was fragile. Abiri also ordered Denali to go to school in order to 'fix his attitude' and to 'make him less pathetic'.

School was hell for the young prince, to put it simply.

He never spoke to anyone, distanced himself from the other Deities and even hid away in other areas of the school building, skipping class. He often got in trouble with the Head Mentor, Velvette, because of this, and his father too. His grades on tests seemed to be good, though, because of his fondness for visiting the school library and reading the books there. School stressed him out a lot, which wasn't good for his health, though he didn't mind it too much if he was reading, and away from the other kids.

When Dashiell was enrolled a week later, however, that's when things went downhill.

His twin sister gained lots of friends quickly, becoming popular with better grades than he did. She also tried talking to Denali a lot whilst they were there. Of course, Denali ignored her, but Dashiell's friends started to bully him, figuring out that he was her brother and believed that he wasn't good enough to be her brother, and that he was 'fat', 'weird', 'pathetic' and a 'freak'. Others started joining in after a while, too.

This caused Denali's mental state to degrade even more, trying less at his work and getting tormented more at home for it. He started skipping school entirely, the only time he really went in was for the books and tests.

One day, while sitting in the school cafeteria at lunch, a Deity sat next to him, something that never happened. This was one of the older kids, and she smiled at the prince and stated that she wanted to be his friend, and that she didn't agree with what the bullies had to say. Denali simply rolled his eyes and sat somewhere else, but as the days went by and she continued to sit with him, they became odd friends, Denali learning the female's name: Natasha Icefire.

Unfortunately, not all friendships last, and this one certainly didn't.

The bullies targeted Natasha as well as Denali, taunting her for being his friend. This caused Natasha's mood to sour, and eventually, she left Denali, upset and distraught by the bullying. Denali was in dismay, but he knew it wasn't her fault, he most likely would've done the same.

The rest of his childhood went by very, very slowly. Denali often got sick because of the high amounts of stress he was experiencing, and he was convinced that it would cause his death one day. The only thing that was good amongst all of this darkness was his mother, who helped and supported him throughout the entire thing.

Would things ever get better?

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edit Notes

  • Originally created in 2022.

  • Denali doesn't know how to blow bubbles with bubblegum and he's very self-conscious about it.

  • Denali occasionally draws and makes artwork using his poisons.

  • He is unusually short for a Fixianor deity, so he is often mistaken for a child and frequently teased about his height.

  • Denali usually misspells and missays others' names on purpose to infuriate them all for the sake of entertainment. He normally does this with people he doesn't like.

  • Denali has killed over 300,000 beings, most of which being Star Guardians.

  • The name Denali means 'the high one', which is ironic considering he is below average height.

  • Denali is relatively agoraphobic, though he can and will leave the Palace at will, he panics when away from his home for too long.
    -Denali owns an Ipad and likes watching true crime videos and other things along those lines on it.

  • 'Despair' is Denali's favourite word.

  • His favourite drink is water, though he dislikes it on its own due to a bland taste, preferring to add a tint of foxglove poison for extra flavouring.

  • The flower banners on his person represent him and his reign, as is the same with roses and their thorns.

  • His body can create every kind of poison except from Fluxyl which can be ejected through tiny, microscopic holes at the tips of his talons and teeth. He can create the poisons at will.

  • Poisonous dust/gas can be released from glands hidden underneath the scales beneath his thick, curled mane.

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