info Overview
Name - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s full name?

Solstice "Sunny" Starsight

Role - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight go by?

The Star King, The Star Guardian King, The Fire King, Heaven's Advocate

Gender - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s gender?

Cisgender Male

Age - How old is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight?

220 years chronologically, a young adult physically

face Looks
Height - How tall is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight?

15'0' (when on all-fours)
29'0' (when on two legs)

Hair Color - What color is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s hair?

Has no hair, but instead a fire mane which runs down his spine and acts as hair. It is a bright orange in colour and glows in the dark.

Hair Style - How does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight style their hair?

His fire mane has no style, it seemingly changes shape with the wind or by itself. Usually in a fire-like shape though

Eye Color - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s eye color?

Bright ocean blue

Race - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s race?

Star Guardians

Skin Tone

His scales are orange primarily in colour, with some pinkish/magenta tones dotted about.

Body Type

Lean, lithe, serpentine. Thin underbelly due to fast metabolism

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Three spots under each eye indicate his status as Star Guardian royalty. Bright magenta stripes running down back and legs. Huge fire mane. Many scars marring his scales.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Rather polite in the presence of others, especially the likes of other higher-class beings, but isn't sophisticated or disgusted by anything that's beneath him, though he will act like this in order to not offset his mother. Always respects other beings and sees them as his equals, even if they're not of his class.

Motivations - What motivates Solstice "Sunny" Starsight most?

The peace and safety of his Kingdom is one of Sunny's main priorities, he'll do anything to satisfy his people and make Fixianor the 'perfect world' he'd always been dreaming of as a child. The comfort of his family is another factor of his that he will fight for, and he will do anything to protect those closest to him. Cares a lot about animal rights and environmental causes, too.

Flaws - What flaws does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Secretive about his past and will do anything to avoid talking about it, especially the likes of his scientific obsession phase. Very good at dodging questions but it's obvious when he's keeping secrets, gets nervous and jittery whenever something reminds him of his scientific past, especially the likes of needles and other lab/medical equipment. Twitches quite frequently, can trip up on words if he gets too excited. Struggles to concentrate at times.

Talents - What talents does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Skilled in magic casting, whether that be his Alignment or Enchantments, and is also capable of wielding the Celestial Sceptre as if it were another arm. Really skilled in art, as well as science. Good at observing.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Drawing, exploring, wandering the Palace's long winding halls, spending time with Hamal and his family, battle training, sleeping, listening to music, reading

Personality type - What personality type is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight?

Rebel Good, ENFJ, extroverted and rather excitable

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight practice?

Agnostic, but isn't opposed to the ideologies other religious possess, in fact, he finds them rather interesting

Politics - What politics does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Doesn't necessarily support anything, does what is best for his Kingdom and listens to the voices of his subjects, takes everyone into consideration

Occupation - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s occupation?

The King and Ruler of Fixianor Space and the Star Guardian species

Favorite color - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s favorite color?

Orange, magenta, pink

Favorite food - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s favorite food?

Anything sweet, has a particular fondness for chocolate, cake and doughnuts.
Isn't necessarily a full vegetarian, but dislikes most meats and will only eat them if he needs to. Hates seafood with a passion.

Favorite possession - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s favorite possession?

The Celestial Sceptre, he will guard it with his life, especially as it is powerful and potentially dangerous if it ends up in untrained hands. Also rather fond of his crown and necklace.

Favorite weapon - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s favorite weapon?

The Celestial Sceptre, as well as his own custom-made sword, the Sunblade

Favorite animal - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s favorite animal?

Snakes, as well as cats and owls

Job - What job does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Formerly a Scientist that worked primarily on genetic manipulation and chemistry, but has since left that occupation behind.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s birthday?


Education - What is Solstice "Sunny" Starsight’s level of education?

Graduated from Star Guardian training

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Solstice "Sunny" Starsight have?

Formerly owned a cat, but that has since passed. Hasn't owned any pets since, misses his cat very dearly.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

  • Originally created in 2019

  • Sunny was originally created to have an infinitely long body and no limbs, but both ideas have since been scrapped.

  • Has a taste for more refined and old music, which does bore his daughter quite a lot.

  • He is afraid of death and pain, has sensitive nerves, so he feels the latter much more than the likes of others. Also afraid of rollercoasters.

  • Has very sharp and long fangs which can puncture and damage vital body parts with relative ease. Bleeds whenever he bites his tongue.

  • Can twist his body in unusual and disturbing ways without feeling pain, though it does cause him discomfort and weirds out others, so he doesn't do it often. His daughter inherited this strange quirk from him.

  • Has toxins in his saliva and blood. It's a chemical called Fluxyl and it's extremely radioactive and dangerous, which means he cannot kiss or allow his saliva to come into contact with any biological matter, lest he wishes for them to die.

  • He has a really good singing voice, but he doesn't sing much at all.

  • Can control the size of his pupils and stand/walk on his hind legs with ease, just like the rest of his species.

  • When he's extremely angry, his fire mane will begin to glow extremely brightly and black smoke will be emitted by the flames and his scales.

  • Hates swear words, will substitute swears for other words, such as 'fudge' instead of the F word. Tells off anyone who swears in front of him.

  • He can control the brightness of his fire at will, often making it brighter when he's uptight or angry and making it duller when he's tired, melancholic and/or sick.

  • His tongue will often flicker out his mouth when he's angry like a snake.

  • Knows everyone's ticklish spots off by heart and will often tickle them when he's angry instead of physically harming them. Likes doing this to Hamal especially.

  • Horrible at dancing.

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