info Overview
Name - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s full name?

Antares Astral Starsight

Role - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Antares Astral Starsight go by?

Tarrie, The Star Guardian Princess, Antar

Gender - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s gender?


Age - How old is Antares Astral Starsight?

20+ chronologically, but by her species's standards, she is only a teenager.

face Looks
Height - How tall is Antares Astral Starsight?


Hair Color - What color is Antares Astral Starsight’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Antares Astral Starsight style their hair?


Eye Color - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s eye color?


Race - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s race?

Star Guardian

Body Type

Slightly chubby around the underbelly, has some muscle on her legs, wings and arms

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Antares Astral Starsight have?

Three spots under each eye indicate her status as Starsight royalty. Six ears, and fires around her body

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Antares Astral Starsight have?

Surprisingly not very sophisticated despite being royal. Often forgets her manners (like please and/or thank you) unless it means something to her, and is not very overt in terms of actions. Rather anti-social.

Motivations - What motivates Antares Astral Starsight most?

Doesn't care much for anything, but is very passionate about drawing, writing, or creating her own worlds, even though she feels burnt out a lot. Cares a lot about animal rights and the environment as well, but is too anxiety-prone to protest about anything.

Flaws - What flaws does Antares Astral Starsight have?

Very bad at communicating and holding eye contact unless she's with someone she trusts, twitches and messes up her speech a lot. Struggles to put her thoughts and feelings into words, finds it hard to voice her concerns and problems. Can't seem to keep her thoughts to herself at times.

Talents - What talents does Antares Astral Starsight have?

Drawing, writing, creating worlds, singing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Antares Astral Starsight have?

Drawing, writing, stargazing, reading, listening to music, admiring nature, watching TV, developing her worlds

Personality type - What personality type is Antares Astral Starsight?

True neutral, INFJ, introverted and rather shy


Suffers from ASD and Anxiety, nothing else has been confirmed at the moment though

No physical ailments, but gets headaches often.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Antares Astral Starsight practice?


Politics - What politics does Antares Astral Starsight have?

Doesn't really know/care much about politics

Occupation - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s occupation?

Princess of the Star Guardian Kingdom
Part-time mentor for Liv Sharpclaw
Part-time Kingdom patroller

Favorite color - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s favorite food?

Anything sweet, likes cake, chocolate and ice cream
Nothing with meat, as she is a vegetarian

Favorite possession - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s favorite possession?

Her crown, as well as her immense collection of books and soft toys
Very picky about giving away any of her possessions

Favorite weapon - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s favorite weapon?

The Celestial Sceptre, even though she doesn't have much knowledge on it, she's very excited to learn how to use it

Favorite animal - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Antares Astral Starsight’s birthday?


Education - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s level of education?

Graduated from Star Guardian training

Background - What is Antares Astral Starsight’s background?

I'll write this later lmfao

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

  • She is my main sona.

  • She was originally created in 2019

  • She has a very light and hard to notice Scottish accent

  • Very nerdy about radiation and science, will gawk at any power stations she sees when out and about (dislikes the thought of them harming the environment, but likes the architecture of the buildings a lot, also finds their inner workings interesting, especially the likes of nuclear power stations)

  • Fears death, as well as pain. Very cautious at first but can become a daredevil once she builds up enough confidence.

  • Adores rollercoasters, very much an adrenaline junkie

  • Likes to listen to birds singing and the sound of rain tapping against windows, but she can't hear this from her home as she resides in the middle of Space. Loves travelling but rarely gets the chances to due to her parents always being so busy.

  • Likes the sound of radio static a lot as well

  • Very scattered music taste, will listen to about anything except from rap and hip hop

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This character was created by Antares 💫 on

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