info Overview
Name - What is Hamal Starsight’s full name?

Hamal Starsight

Role - What is Hamal Starsight’s role in your story?

Major Character

Other names - What other aliases does Hamal Starsight go by?

Hamal Burnet (maiden name)
The Star Queen, The Star Guardian Queen

Gender - What is Hamal Starsight’s gender?

Cisgender Female

Age - How old is Hamal Starsight?

221 chronologically, a young adult physically

face Looks
Height - How tall is Hamal Starsight?


Hair Color - What color is Hamal Starsight’s hair?

Light pink

Hair Style - How does Hamal Starsight style their hair?

Usually keeps her hair down, it isn't long enough to be styled much

Eye Color - What is Hamal Starsight’s eye color?

Fire orange

Race - What is Hamal Starsight’s race?

Star Guardians

Body Type

A healthy weight for her kind, but looks slightly chubbier due to her fur

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hamal Starsight have?

Heart markings all over body, heart-shaped crest at the end of her tail, black ram-shaped horns

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Hamal Starsight have?

Very polite and sweet towards others and views them as her equals just like her husband, even if they're of lower status. Generous and giving, but isn't sophisticated or violent in any ways, and finds it very hard to be due to not hailing from a higher-class background herself. Always uses her manners.

Motivations - What motivates Hamal Starsight most?

The safety and happiness of her family and loved ones is her first priority, and will do anything to ensure that they are always comfortable and enjoying themselves, even fight, despite lacking a lot of combat skills and strength. She also cares for preserving flowers, as well as the environment and animals. The safety of the Kingdom is also a concern to her, but she lets Sunny worry more about those factors.

Flaws - What flaws does Hamal Starsight have?

Isn't very skilled in combat whatsoever, and isn't also skilled with magic aside from enchantments. Finds it very hard to speak in sophisticated ways, as well as violent ways, and won't speak up for herself a lot of the time if she's in a hard situation, unless it involves her family. A little bit too affectionate at times, and trusting towards strangers

Talents - What talents does Hamal Starsight have?

Very skilled in gardening and baking, tends to all of the royal gardens within the Palace and manages to keep everything alive and well. Her cooking and baking is said to be one of the best things to have ever been tasted. Also an amazing painter, having painted most of the royal portraits in the rooms and halls within the Palace. A skilled singer and writer too, but doesn't tend to those talents as often.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hamal Starsight have?

Baking, cooking, gardening, painting, stargazing, wandering around the gardens, spending time with her family, reading

Personality type - What personality type is Hamal Starsight?

Lawful Moral, ENFP, extroverted and friendly

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Hamal Starsight practice?

Atheist, but isn't against the ideologies other religions possess.

Politics - What politics does Hamal Starsight have?

Wants whatever is best for the Kingdom, for peace, and no fighting.

Occupation - What is Hamal Starsight’s occupation?

Queen of the Star Guardians and Fixianor Space

Favorite color - What is Hamal Starsight’s favorite color?

Pink and orange

Favorite food - What is Hamal Starsight’s favorite food?

Bread, as well as other pastries. Dislikes meat and seafood, as well as anything spicy, sour and/or bitter.

Favorite possession - What is Hamal Starsight’s favorite possession?

Her necklace is very special to her, as it was received from her late brother for one of her childhood birthdays. Carries it everywhere with her.

Favorite weapon - What is Hamal Starsight’s favorite weapon?

She has knowledge on the Celestial Sceptre, but is afraid to use it unless she slips up. Relies heavily on her magic to assist her in battles.

Favorite animal - What is Hamal Starsight’s favorite animal?

Cats, hummingbirds

Job - What job does Hamal Starsight have?

Baker, gardener, artist, but doesn't do these as an official profession.
Has no former jobs.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Hamal Starsight’s birthday?


Education - What is Hamal Starsight’s level of education?

Graduated from Star Guardian training

Background - What is Hamal Starsight’s background?

Hamal was born to a poor family residing on the 5th planet of the Universal Order. Her childhood home was never that big and was relatively run down due to the dwindling amount of money that the Burnet family had. The two parents, Acamar and Alamak, weren't sure they could afford raising another child, considering they had an older son, but they didn't want to give Hamal away and kept her, though they couldn't guarentee that her life and upbringing would be the best.

The first years of her life were rough, she'd often get sick and the parents couldn't afford medicine for it, which was always a scare. Luckily though, Hamal got on swell with her older brother Alkaid, and the two would often be seen playing together in the house, making up their own games. The two lived in a world of their own, where they were rich and could afford everything in the world. Unfortunately for them though, their reality wasn't the same.

When Hamal was three, they tried to get her into training, but the family's finances took a turn for the worst and they decided to postpone it for another year, even though education in Fixianor is free, they couldn't handle the stress in case fate wouldn't be so kind to Hamal during her school years. Alkaid was a student, though, and he was usually the one making money for the family due to the small part-time jobs he'd pick up around the community to at least keep the family afloat.

Hamal was four years old when she was enrolled into training, and she was excited at first to make new friends, but she found the other Star Guardians to be too rowdy for her and didn't put herself out there, thus making no friends. Others tended to avoid her, anyways. Alkaid began working even harder, desperate to make more money for the family so things would turn out well again, but the money never really went up, and Alkaid was burning himself out and putting his body under an immense amount of stress trying to increase their finances.

Hamal wasn't doing well in school, the other students began eyeing her and whispering behind her back, which made her paranoid. Alkaid would reassure her and tell her that they wouldn't be talking about her, it ceased to work as Hamal became more and more aware that she'd always be below them, that they'd always be greater than her because they had things that she didn't, they had money.

Money became an obsession of Hamal's and she'd often break down about how they couldn't afford anything. Hamal would beg for money, look for jobs and try find money on the streets, but nothing seemed to work. Things then took a major turn for the worst as Alkaid came down with a serious disease that could be fatal without the medicine. Unfortunately for the family, they couldn't afford it.

Alkaid died after a few months and Hamal's mood spiralled downhill. She became more shy, she wore a ragged hood to classes and became self-consious, even. The Head Mentor moved her around several classes but each and every one stressed her out the same. Eventually, she was moved into her final class, the one she had to give a go. Unfortunately for the young female, there was another Star Guardian in there that had his eyes set on making her life at school a misery.

This young male just so happened to be the Star Guardian prince, Solstice Starsight.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Hamal Starsight have?

Co-owned a pet with Sunny, a cat, which soon passed. Misses the cat dearly.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

  • Originally created in 2019

  • She taught Rift how to bake.

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