info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Acarian Chronicles

Description - How would you describe The Acarian Chronicles ?

Medieval-Based (Fictional Setting)

Genre - What genre best describes The Acarian Chronicles ?


date_range History
Origin - How did The Acarian Chronicles originate?


History - What is The Acarian Chronicles ’s history?


gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Acarian Chronicles ?

Laws of physics line up with real-world

Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Acarian Chronicles ?


Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Acarian Chronicles ?

Medieval/Early Renaissance age

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for The Acarian Chronicles ?

Don't even remember at this point.

  • person Owner
  • person Titan Gabs

    Created universe over 3 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Daylene

    Invited over 3 years ago

This universe contains...
5 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Chasan Island nation located roughly Northwest of [[Location-227400]]
terrain Carlow Capital of [[Location-227400]], Carlow is home to the Royal Castle and court of Acara.
terrain Ochua small farming village
terrain Caranon Second largest city in [[Location-227400]]
terrain Acara Small island nation in the Savage Sea

8 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Bow and Arrows Short bow; sturdy, sharp arrows
emoji_events Queen's Crown of Acara Crown belonging to the Acarian Queen
emoji_events Staff Short staff sometimes used as a walking stick to disguise its real purpose as a weapon
emoji_events Arming Sword two-handed sword
emoji_events Jasper's Journal small book used to record thoughts/plans
emoji_events Owen's Compass's a small compass
emoji_events Cherry Blossom Necklace Small pendant of a cherry blossom
emoji_events Atharen Spear Made from Atharen Iron and given to her by Miles Kendrick

2 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Acara small island country in the Savage Sea
flag Chasan

4 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc Main Team consists of 4 main characters
wc The Braecian Alliance Jasper and his main confidants
wc Seth's Team the group that leaves to go after Gideon
wc Adalynn's Court Adalynn's closest advisors/friends

2 scenes reorder
local_movies Scenes close
local_movies Owen's Intro As she's looking for someone to talk to, someone attempts to pickpocket Adalynn. Owen know the guy, sees what happened, and stops him.
local_movies Final Scene Seth, Rose, and Andrew leave Carlow without telling anyone where they are going (they can't) to go after Gideon. If Gideon makes it to [place], it could make things much worse for Acara and Adalynn...

8 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Carlow Capital of Acara
location_city Caranon Second-largest city in Acara
location_city Haldore
location_city Ochua Small town/village in between Carlow and Caranon
location_city Eston Acara's largest and most active port city
location_city Spallock Chasan's largest port city
location_city Summerbalt
location_city Newart Small town centered around foresting/hunting

3 timelines reorder
timeline Timelines close
timeline Battle for Carlow Timeline Spans the whole battle from, from break-in to victory
timeline Main Plotline (history and future) Contains most significant events up until book 1 resolution
timeline Main Timeline contains events from the coronation through the Battle for Carlow

This universe was created by Titan Gabs on with 1 contributor.

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