info Overview
Name - What is Carlow’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Carlow?


Description - Describe Carlow.

Capital of Acara, Carlow is home to the Royal Castle and court of Acara.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Carlow?

Acarian/Trade Language

Population - What is Carlow’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Carlow?


Laws - What are the laws in Carlow?

Defers to national law

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Carlow in?

Carlow is surrounded by meadows and fields, with some areas reaching up to the forest edge.

Crops - What crops does Carlow produce?

grains, fruit, vegetables

Located at - Where is Carlow located?

Southeast section of the Island of Acara. roughly 2 days' ride from the coast, heading further southeast.

Climate - What is the climate like in Carlow?

hot summers with moderate amounts of rain, occasional drought. Transitional seasons are very stormy and cold, winters with light to moderate snow

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Carlow founded?

established as a small village, but grew rapidly thanks to its rich soil and plentiful resources. The Royal Castle was located just outside of town, but eventually Carlow grew to reach the castle. Once it became big enough to be counted as a city, it was declared the official capital of Acara

Established Year - When was Carlow established?

unknown exactly, but is oldest city in Acara

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Carlow been involved in?

Carlow provides a large part of Acara's military, but this has not been necessary to fight an external war for some years.

edit Notes

Carlow is the largest city in Acara. It is home to the Royal Castle and court of Acara. Most of it's internal economy is based on trades, and the city has many large establishments. Mostly consists of middle and upper class population.

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