Owen Isaiah Galen
Cinnamon Roll Friend
Owen: young warrior
Isaiah: God saves
Galen: calm
6' 2''
lean build
Light Brown
somewhat curly
almond-shaped eyes
Emerald green
spins things on his finger when bored
laughs a lot
tilts his head when listening to someone
jogs everywhere
talks a lot
prove himself
gain approval of Sandra
sometimes laughs at the wrong time
can come off as clingy
very strong swimmer
good sailer
amazing artist
very intuitive
auctioneering for the crew
To pure for this world
In some situations, he will freeze, not because it's his first instinct, but because he is fighting his first instinct. Due to his father's insistence that he become a fighter, Owen's first instinct is to do what he knows. He fights that instinct because he hates that part of himself, the part that knows he's absolutely capable of killing someone.
Neutral Good
Owen speaks with a Chasanian accent; he normally talks fast but rarely stumbles over words. Almost always sounds excited. When he is struggling with something/really upset, he will get very quiet and hardly talk at all (this doesn't happen often)
curses sometimes
"Mother of Pearl"
he picked up "Son of a Sea Monster" from a crewmate
clicks his tongue at Sandra sometimes
Nah > No (every time)
Somewhat small and very neat, writes in all capitals with proper capitalization slightly larger. Often thin-lined.
See Gallery
Owen has an easy laugh that many find contagious. Volume depends on the situation, but normally has a somewhat quiet but high-energy laugh. He will sometimes laugh in the wrong situation.
Owen is always ready with a joke and loves laughing with others. He rarely pulls pranks or practical jokes, though he appreciates them most of the time.
Owen's posture is all over the place. He usually has a relaxed, tall stance, though he will sometimes subconsciously slouch slightly when with Sandra (due to her being short :3), or intentionally sit/stand straighter when around his father
Had a well-respected tutor at home, once he left, his grandfather continued to teach him, focusing the most on subjects beneficial to a merchant or sailor (math, geography, social studies)
grew up on an estate in Chasan, his father taught him to be a formidable fighter. He hated this, so he left to live and work with his grandfather. Has spent a few years on the crew.
grandfather has a mastiff-like dog named Bear
This character was created by Titan Gabs on Notebook.ai.
See more from Titan GabsCreate your own universe
whatever the politics are in wherever he is; rarely has a strong opinion
sailor/crew member on a merchant ship
sea/light blue or tan/beige
compass from grandfather
hates fighting, but if he has to, he prefers to use a sword
sea bird or dog