info Overview
Name - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s full name?

Sandra Everly Ulric

Role - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s role in your story?

Surly Teen Friend

Name Meaning

Cassandra/Sandra: defender of the people
Everly: wild boar
Ulric: power of the wolf

Other names - What other aliases does Sandra Everly Ulric go by?

Cassandra-given name
The Healer
Cassy (her father)

Gender - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s gender?


Age - How old is Sandra Everly Ulric ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sandra Everly Ulric weigh?


Height - How tall is Sandra Everly Ulric ?

5' 2''

Body Type

small, wiry build, remarkably strong for size/age

Skin Tone


Hair Color - What color is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s hair?

very dark brown

Hair Style - How does Sandra Everly Ulric style their hair?

shoulder length, wavy, often braided messily

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sandra Everly Ulric have?


Eye Shape

round, downturned eyes

Eye Color - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s eye color?

dark green

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sandra Everly Ulric have?

calloused hands

Race - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s race?

Chasanian Chasan

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sandra Everly Ulric have?

rolls her eyes
scoffs a lot
always relaxed/confident
will deny showing affection literally as she's showing affection
teases her friend about her crush
uses "I swear to all the plants" as a curse
also curses

Motivations - What motivates Sandra Everly Ulric most?

anything to better her mother-figure's situation or anything adventurous

Flaws - What flaws does Sandra Everly Ulric have?

can be very closed off
extremely stubborn
very reckless

Prejudices - What prejudices does Sandra Everly Ulric have?

not super inclined to like higher-ranked people at first

Talents - What talents does Sandra Everly Ulric have?

amazing archer
skilled rock-climber
knowledgable about wilderness

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sandra Everly Ulric have?


Personality type - What personality type is Sandra Everly Ulric ?


insert_emoticon Personality Things
Instincts (fight/flight/freeze)

Sandra's first instinct in pretty much any given situation is to fight. She can be very confrontational, and has a hard time backing down for any reason.


Chaotic Neutral

Speech Patterns

Chasanian accent; she talks faster when nervous, usually sounds somewhat monotone. Has a low voice (for a girl, at least). If a sentence starts with a pronoun, she will sometimes omit that word, especially when referring to herself.
she curses a lot

Verbal tics

swearing to/on "all the plants"
scoffs a lot
anything sarcastic


somewhat scribbly, but fairly consistent in size and usually legible.
See Gallery


She often appears deadpan when joking. A lot of people tend to think that her sarcastic laugh is her real one (because she doesn't laugh genuinely very often), but there is an obvious distinction between real and sarcastic. Sandra has a surprisingly loud laugh.


Sandra's sense of humor mostly centers around forms of sarcasm, but she does love pranks and finds certain people (Owen, for example) to be quite funny (though she won't admit it.)


Sandra's confidence is shown through her posture; she carries herself tall (as tall as she can, anyway), and ready for action.

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Sandra Everly Ulric have?

part of a Monarchy country
loyal to Adalynn Sara-Isabelle Kendrick

Occupation - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s favorite color?

Forest green or black

Favorite food - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s favorite food?

almost any kind of meat

Favorite possession - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s favorite weapon?

bow and arrow

Favorite animal - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s favorite animal?

DOG (specifically her collie Basil)

Job - What job does Sandra Everly Ulric have?
date_range History
Education - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s level of education?

Sandra was taught by her father up until she ran away. Apprenticed under Margaret, she continues her studies, focusing on herbology and the practice of medicine, along with the practical skills she teaches herself while out in the wilderness.

Background - What is Sandra Everly Ulric ’s background?

ran away from home when she was 8 after her mother passed away and her father began to neglect her in his grief.
Found Margaret (a healer) and became apprenticed to her.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sandra Everly Ulric have?

Collie named Basil

edit Notes

Okay so we say that Owen Isaiah Galen is her best friend and he is, but they have a really odd/funny rivalry where they constantly prank/mess with each other and Sandra usually is "grumpy" about the attention Owen gives her but they are literally best friends and she wouldn't know what to do without him. Outsiders/strangers think they genuinely do not like each other, but they do.

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