info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Carlow?

Capital of Acara

map Layout
Buildings - What buildings are in Carlow?

Castle Carlow
Legal/Noble buildings

Landmarks - What landmarks are in Carlow?

Castle Carlow

Main roads - What main roads are there in Carlow?

Main road of the Governmental District
Market Road
Castle Road

Busy areas - What are the busiest areas of Carlow?

Main markets
Legal Buildings

face Culture
date_range History
autorenew Sustainability
Food sources - Where does Carlow get their food from?

Grain is shipped from all over the country, most meats are transported from areas around Ochua and Caranon, imports of fruits, fish, spices, etc.

edit Notes
Building chevron_right Town link linked Carlow

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Carlow

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