A universe where Faeries with magical powers live around humans. There are three 'casts' of Faeries: Fae (humanoid), Sprites (non-humanoid), and Mythics (ancient, powerful beings similar to gods)
This world has existed since the beginning of time and surrounds the land of humans. What humans perceive as Outer-Space is actually the land of the faeries. This land is in a ring surrounding Earth, separated from it by a seemingly endless ocean. Earth rotates within this ring. Some Faeries' jobs are to visit Earth to check in on humans, but they are not supposed to allow themselves to be seen. On the occasion that one is seen, or that a mischievous sprite allows itself to be seen, the human who saw it is closely monitored.
There are two sections to Potensia: Consecta (main), and Leve (trivial). Consecta is akin to humankind's Europe, with largely fair-skinned fae dominating the culture and living in cities with minimal connection to nature. The smaller Leve is more akin to the Americas and was only recently discovered and 'civilized' by Consectans. The fae living in Leve are more tribal and in tune with nature. Levians and Consectans don't get along very well. In the past, there have been several wars between the two groups, but currently they exist in a state of fragile peace.
Consecta is divided into several smaller regions each 'ruled' by a fae lord. Each Consectan lord is in charge of the well-being and protection of the fae and sprites in their region, although most do not view sprites as full citizens. The lords all report to a group of High Councillors, one from each region, who oversee the continent as a whole. Leve is naturally divided among different tribes of fae and sprites. (As a side note, Levians do not call their continent 'Leve', to them, it is 'Ikoe', and 'Potensia' is 'Esodis'.) When Consectans settled it, they decided that the continent was only large enough for one region and set up a fae lord and several colonies. The native Levians mostly ignore the decrees of the lord. There are more natives than Consectans, but the latter's numbers are growing. There is little mingling of the races, but it does occur. The most notable example of this is when the current lord of Leve took a native woman as his wife. She bore him four children. However, she left him after ten years or so to return to her people.
The same as ours
Each fae has a natural ability that they are born with but can only access after they mature. They also have a talisman that allows them to perform more basic spells, but only when they are in contact with it. Sprites are more limited in their magic, and only have a natural ability. However, they are able to access it from birth. Mythics have complete control over a specific area of magic, such as life magic, etc.
The level of technology is about that of midievil human's technology
Ikoe means home
Esodis means provider.
This universe was created by Chloe Jones on Notebook.ai.
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