info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Zeus Centari

Description - How would you describe Zeus Centari?

Disk galaxy

Genre - What genre best describes Zeus Centari?

Lego Movie best describes the galaxy of Zeus Centari. Various cultures with limited to no knowledge of everyone else.

date_range History
History - What is Zeus Centari’s history?

Scholars believe that Zeus Centari was created when the ancient Astral Dragon expelled a gaseous form from within itself. Nobody knows for sure though.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Zeus Centari?

Laws of Physics are similar to earth.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Zeus Centari?

Magic use depends on the planet you are currently on. Some planets allow high magic use, whereas others outlaw it, yet some other planets require licensing for its use. Kurbos, for example, is a high magic world, but requires licensing for most cities.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Zeus Centari?

As with magic, it depends on the location you are at. Similar ruleset applies

edit Notes

There are various societies throughout the galaxy. Most reside on planets, but one known nomadic clan lives off the bodies that were set adrift. They research the bodies & attempt to chronicle the various species they've found.

This universe contains...
3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The Minotaur Horn Galaxy A galaxy in a crescent shape
terrain Dra'Qun Tha * High Technology * Low Magic * Floating City *Cleaved from the lower mountain
terrain Kurbos * Earthlike planet with 30% higher gravity. * 6 Seasons in a 12 month cycle. * Seasons: Hot, Warm, Wind / Rain, Cool, Cold. * Counter Clockwise rotation & "North / South" Orbit. * Atmosphere is...

3 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Totem of Supremacy The Totem of Supremacy is a trophy for winning a championship game of [[Sport-438]]. It is a 3 foot tall wooden log carved into a half bear, half minotaur creature that is sitting on its haunches, ...
emoji_events Asalon Dual Mast Tri-hulled Ship
emoji_events Scriptum Drakonus Book of Sylvanus

2 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Jumbo A Jumbo is an aquatic, filter feeding creature that makes a blue whale look like a catfish
pets Hellfish Hellfish are colossal lamprey like creatures

1 government reorder
account_balance Governments close
account_balance The Silver Society A senate of sorts, with two members from each civilization.

1 landmark reorder
location_on Landmarks close
location_on Kroptop Keep The ancient ruins of a keep, built after Dra'Qun Tha disengaged from The Bone Break Mountains

1 planet reorder
public Planets close
public Kurbos * Earthlike planet with 30% higher gravity. * 6 Seasons in a 12 month cycle. * Seasons: Hot, Warm, Wind / Rain, Cool, Cold. * Counter Clockwise rotation & "North / South" Orbit. * Atmosphere is...

1 race reorder
face Races close
face Draconi Many have lightly scaled patches on their bodies, as this is a sign of their ancient heritage. A small few may gain a pseudo-tail as well. Those are seen as a scion of the ancients, and revered as ...

4 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Arcanum Imperium This is the capital of magic on Kurbos. Every magical being deigns to visit here at least.
location_city Draco-minor Draco-minor is the lower part of Dra'Qun Tha; also known as The Slums, Undercity, or the Plague Trap by outsiders. In truth, its the hard working city where only the hardest workers live, the grim...
location_city Dra'Qun Tha Dra'Qun Tha is a steampunk city in a medieval era
location_city Arcanopolis This is a city of the elitest arcanists ever known. The entrances are crafted to remove any "toxins" from ones exterior.

Zeus Centari appears in the following documents

This universe was created by Trevor Christians on

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